
Sarah Ferguson Shows Off Her Parenting (& Grandparenting) Skills During Important Visit with Ukrainian Refugees

As a mother to two daughters (and a grandmother now too), Sarah Ferguson has had plenty of experience with kids. Not to mention, the Duchess of York also maintains her connection with children by sharing storytime videos to her YouTube account, in a series titled Storytime with Fergie and Friends. But while we're well aware of the duchess's fondness for kids, we just recently saw her switch into parenting mode during a visit to Poland, where she spoke about her charity work that helps Ukrainian refugees, and she visited a few families along the way.

Ferguson visited Bedzin, where, according to Express, she spoke with families who fled the Ukrainian city of Obukhov. In a slideshow that was shared to the duchess's Instagram, she is seen kneeling down to chat with a group of children, a technique which we've seen Kate Middleton utilize in the past. From the looks of the first photo, it seems the Duchess of York was helping to hand out stuffed bears. In the second photo, she hugs a few of the children.

This is the second trip that Ferguson has made to Poland, after she first visited Ukrainian refugees back in March. Her charity, Sarah's Trust, has been providing supplies to Ukrainian citizens, and she spoke on this matter in a recent address.

In the caption of her post, Ferguson said, “I was honoured to be invited by First Lady of Ukraine @olenazelenska_official to speak to her Summit of First Ladies & Gentlemen about my charity’s work with Ukrainian refugees.” She added, “Yesterday my charity @sarahs_trust_ delivered aid into Ukraine including tourniquets, medical gloves, first aid kits, solar-powered phone chargers and water purification tablets.”

Photos from the event were shared to Zelenska's Instagram account, where we can see that other virtual speakers included David Beckham, Mila Kunis, Ashton Kutcher and more.

You always inspire us, Sarah.

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Associate Editor, News and Entertainment

Joel is the former Associate Editor for News & Entertainment and has been reporting on all things pop culture for over 5 years. Before working at PureWow, he served as a Features Editor at ROCKET Magazine. When he's not dissecting the latest trends in entertainment (or guiding you on what to watch), he covers all the hottest red carpet looks and fashion movements. When he steps away from the keyboard, you can likely find him at an NYC concert, thrift store or LGBTQ+ bookstore happily perusing the shelves.