Last summer, I was deep in the trenches of researching the Black Cat and Golden Retriever Dating Theory—a TikTok-fueled trend that claims every relationship consists of one mysterious introvert (the black cat) and one eager-to-please extrovert (the golden retriever). So, turned to the most brutally honest focus group I know: my family.
“What do you guys think—am I more of a black cat or a golden retriever?”
I tossed it into the chat just to stir the pot. (I already knew what they’d say.) My sister, Jilly, was the undisputed black cat of our clan. As a child, she avoided small talk like a disease and holed up in her room playing The Sims for entire weekends. Once, she even physically barricaded herself in a closet to avoid a family gathering. We literally nicknamed her “Mean Cat.”
Jilly responded immediately: “Sydney. C’mon.”
Then my mom: “Are you serious?”
And finally, my dad: “You wish.”