
These 2 Zodiac Signs Are About to Have the Best Year Ever


The astrology girlies know that 2025 is about to be a life-changing year. The outer planets are changing signs, the eclipses are bringing their own major shifts, and Mars and Venus retrogrades have us all reconsidering our closest relationships. There’s so many transits to keep track of that it’s overwhelming, even for me as an astrologer. But I know some of you are out there just wanting to hear about something good and easy for once. Astrology-wise, the planet we look to when it comes to things like joy, abundance and relief is of course: Jupiter.

Jupiter, the gas giant planet of expansion and luck, takes approximately 12 years to travel through the zodiac, spending about one year in each sign. Jupiter entered Gemini in May 2024, and will remain in the sign of the twins until June 2025. On June 9, 2025, Jupiter will enter Cancer, the sign of its exaltation where its abundance powers are supercharged. Throughout the wild ride that is 2025, it’s the transit of Jupiter through Gemini and Cancer that will provide hope. 

There are two signs who under this influence are about to have the best year ever: Gemini and Cancer.

Jupiter magnifies, but that means it expands both what’s good and what’s bad. With Jupiter in Gemini since May 2024, we’ve seen unbridled growth in all things communication from group chat gossip to institutional news media. This hasn’t been easy for everyone, and has been particularly challenging for those who require more stability in their day to day (looking at the fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius). Geminis—who live for the chaos—have been thriving under this transit as there’s always something new to explore or learn. If you’re feeling out of sorts in the first half of the year, look to your Gemini friend to help you grow by taking things less seriously.

When Jupiter enters Cancer in June 2025, growth will be less about the technical details and more about collective care. Cancers, who act as the matriarchs of the zodiac, will thrive as they step into compassionate leadership roles. Jupiter is ultimately a teacher, and this year, with Gemini and Cancer as role models, we’re learning about both chaos and care.

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Brace Yourself, These 2 Zodiac Signs Are in for a Big Change in 2025

Jaime Wright Astrologer PureWow e1723737740541


  • Astrologer and writer of PureWow's weekly and monthly horoscopes
  • Consulting astrologer based in Brooklyn
  • Host of the "Good Fortunes" podcast