Step away from the concealer and take our short quiz to find out what your true skin age really is—plus a few things you can do to turn back the clock.
• A PureWow Quiz •
What's Your Skin's True Age?

What Is Your Number One Skin “issue”?
Acne or oily skin
Sensitive skin
Dry as a desert
Large pores
What’s Your Skin Routine?

I just splash my face with water

I wash my makeup off at night

I wash my face, exfoliate and moisturize twice a day

I wash, tone and moisturize

I wash, tone and apply serums, moisturizers, sunscreen and retinol

Do Botox and fillers count?
How Do You Usually Feel When Your Alarm Goes Off?

How Do You Stay Hydrated?

My water bottle never leaves my side

I’ll drink when I’m really thirsty

Diet Coke is my savior

Coffee has water in it, right?
How Do You Protect Yourself From The Sun?

I cover up: hat, long sleeves—leave nothing to chance

I always apply sunscreen (even on an overcast day)

I wear sunscreen at the beach

I prefer a good tan
My Biggest Vice Is That…

I fall asleep with my makeup on

I like to take really long, steamy hot showers

I love salty food

I love a glass (or two) of wine to relax every night

I smoke

I pop my pimples—all of them
But I Redeem Myself With…

Lots of yoga and meditation

Eating well (most of the time)

Working out a couple times a week

Eh, I’m kind of a couch potato