The chaos of March has been real, and on the 24th, there’s a brief moment of profound clarity when Mercury retrograde meets the sun—what astrologers call cazimi, Latin for “in the heart of the sun.” There’s something fired up and ready to go about this moment in time. The solar eclipse in Aries on the 29th adds even more kindling to the fire. With this very potent new moon, a tumultuous chapter that began with the first solar eclipse in Aries back on April 20, 2023 comes to a close. If there’s nothing else to celebrate, why not celebrate making it this far?
Venus and Mercury are both still retrograde and re-enter the dreamy, passionate sign of Pisces on the 27th and 29th respectively. If the first part of these retrogrades was about reflecting on personal drive and self-guided ambition, the next part is about daring to dream into a collective future.
(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that sign too will provide further insight.)