You peer into a shop window and see a florist standing before several buckets of fresh wildflowers. Gracefully plucking a few stems from each bunch and nestling them into a vase, he arranges, rearranges and steps back to examine his art. The expert pops in eucalyptus sprigs for height and pale blue forget-me-nots to marry the gold daisies. This keen eye for harmony is Libra energy at its best. It’s the ability to bring together ideas, people and yes, gorgeous floral bouquets. Learn more about the Libra personality and what makes the zodiac’s aesthetes flourish here.
The Libra Personality: Everything You Need to Know

What Is Libra’s Sun Sign?
Libra (September 22 - October 23)
What Is Libra’s Element?
Air. The three air signs—Gemini, Libra and Aquarius—are the intellectual forces of the zodiac. Find them wandering around the non-fiction section of the library, asking probing questions at dinner parties and blowing up your inbox at 2 a.m. with inside jokes. Air signs are all about learning and communication, but they also crave their own space when all the chatting is over. Think of Libra channeling the air element as a gentle breeze, wrapping us in its friendliness and understanding.
What Is Libra’s Modality?
Cardinal. As Libra ushers in the first blissful days of fall, Cardinal signs are born during the starting point of each season. Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn embody this eager, initiating energy. Call on the Cardinals to throw a party, jump into a new volunteer project or start a neighborhood book club. These signs know how to get things going, but they might not have the staying power to see their plans through until the very end. (They always bring the snacks to book club, but they need the fixed signs to keep the reading list flowing and the group engaged.)
What Is Libra’s Ruling Planet?
Ah, Venus. Planet of luxurious surroundings, sensual pleasures and pure romance. If you’re in awe of the sunlight peeking through the treetops or the gold flecks in your partner’s eyes, you’re feeling the Venusian influence. The celestial jewel rules how we see the beauty all around us. So it’s no surprise that Libra's candle-lit selfies look like they belong in a French art gallery.
What Is Libra’s Symbol?
The Scales. Libra’s constellation takes shape in the scales, which represent the sign’s drive to bring about equality and justice in their universe. This symbol is also associated with judgment and balance, two of Libra’s key operating principles.
Libra’s Key Phrase
“I balance.”
Libra’s One-Word Mantra
“Decide.” (Read every zodiac sign’s mantra here.)
Libra Celebrities
Though astro memes often make Libras into one-dimensional people pleasers, many born under the sign of the scales are actually provocateurs. There’s the “tough judges” like Judge Judy and Simon Cowell; rappers Eminem, Cardi B and Doja Cat; actress-turned-political-disrupter Susan Sarandon; satirical comedian Sacha Baron Cohen; and since the 2022 Oscars, we can add Will Smith to the list of Libras who stir things up; on the side of everyone-loves-a-Libra, there’s Millennial Sweethearts Zac Efron and Hilary Duff; rockers Bruce Springsteen and Sting; timeless crooners Usher and Bruno Mars; and pop punk princesses Ashlee Simpson and Avril Lavigne. Then on the beautiful but controversial side, we have health and glamor CEOs Gwyneth Paltrow and Kim Kardashian. Libras really do contain multitudes!
What Are Libra’s Best Traits?
Libra is the silk thread weaving together the opposing forces in their lives. Find them reconnecting two family members who let grudges get in the way of Thanksgiving. Or convincing a high school bully to apologize to their classmates. Libra’s gift is making everyone around them feel so wonderfully seen, understood and accepted. They’re masters of listening to life stories and long-winded rants. And if you know a Libra, you’re lucky to have been on the receiving end of some of the most specific, heartfelt compliments ever crafted. Libras are fascinated by all of the shades of human nature and know how to see everyone in their best light.
What Are Libra’s Worst Traits?
Conflict is the limbo stick Libra bends and contorts to avoid. Libras need to be seen as well-mannered, warm-hearted souls, which makes putting up a fight feel daunting—or impossible. Libra energy blurs the line between peacekeeping and pretending. Instead of confronting their co-worker about constantly having to cover their shifts, Libra might take on the task with a forced smile. Libras tend to only address conflict that they think matters on an intellectual level, but this often leaves them feeling unheard or dissatisfied. The Scales then try to balance their anger through gossip sessions or glaring passive aggression. Since Libra has such strong ideals, suppressing their voice is giving away their power (in a neatly-wrapped gift basket). It seems antithetical, but when a Libra does start an argument with you, it’s because they trust and respect you, and think the conflict is worth the discomfort it causes them.
What Are the Best Careers for Libra?
Color palettes, mood boards, movie soundtracks. Libra flourishes in the art realm. The air signs have a strong eye for aesthetics, making them gifted photographers, art historians, architects, designers and decor experts. And while Libra is drawn to harmony and symmetry in the visual sense, they’re also called to balance the scales of human rights. Guided by justice, Libras are influential in law, government and activism. Whichever career Libras land on, they’ll place equal importance on their time away from the office. That means socializing with co-workers at a 5 p.m. happy hour or closing the laptop early to head to yoga class.
How Is Libra as a Friend?
For Libra, life isn’t a solo mission. The air signs would rather wander through life hand in hand with treasured friends (and stop to smell the roses along the way). Libras light up when they’re spending time with their crew and cherish all of their friends’ opinions and idiosyncrasies. The air signs never miss an opportunity to show their pals how much they care. Little acts of love, like handmade cards or photo albums, are a Libra trademark. Unlike Libra’s zodiac opposite, Aries, who tells the world who they are in all caps, Libra finds their sense of self through others. These natural mediators see themselves in each of their friends, which is why they’re able to ease any tension that might bubble up in their group. You can thank Libra by letting them style you for your next date.
How Is Libra as a Parent?
Libra’s littles will be the best-dressed kids on the playground. Think: warm neutral sweaters, charm bracelets and bomber jackets. But these parents also want to instill a sense of morality and fairness in their kids. They won’t just enforce rules, but they’ll make sure kids know the reasoning behind them. Airy Libras want to consider all sides of the situation though, and parenting laws can be swayed if their child makes a strong case for why they need to eat the cookie for breakfast or break curfew. Libras are generous and encouraging parents. And you can spot their kids writing thank-you notes or sharing half of their lunch with a classmate.
How Is Libra as a Partner?
Between their charming smile and custom blended perfume, Libra’s romantic energy attracts tons of admirers. And since the Scales see beauty in all beings, they might find themselves crushing on everyone, too. (To be fair, the mushroom vendor at the farmer’s market was totally flirting with them.) The air signs can get lost in the fantasy of someone, envisioning their first date....and their first steps as a married couple, before actually getting to know the person IRL. Libra might even unknowingly mirror the person they’re into, taking on their crush’s gestures, phrases and even their interests seamlessly. Libras prepare for a date like it’s a final exam, reading their crush’s favorite book or binging an entire season of their favorite show so they have something to nerd out about together. But when reality sets in, Libra is incredibly particular about their significant other. They’re looking for an equal partnership. Sure, the meet-cute is important, but a relationship where Libra can share every idea and adventure is a sweeter deal. (Just know they’ll never be the one to pick the restaurant.)
What Are Libra’s Hidden Traits?
Libras are known for their abilities to forge partnerships with just about anyone, but that doesn't mean they rely on others. They’re often cast as being codependent, but Libras are among the best leaders in the zodiac, especially when they’re striving toward a just cause. Libra’s diplomacy and deep understanding of people allows them to thrive at the podium. With their strong vision and that famous Libra charm, they’ll rally the masses behind their ideas and lead with compassion.
Libra at a Glance in 2023
Though Libras usually take a “don’t look at me!…but also please compliment my shoes” approach to life, in 2023 our low-key babes are thrust into the spotlight! With eclipses happening in their identity and relationship sectors (on April 20 and October 14), there’s going to be major scale tipping this year. These eclipses are meant to refine and sculpt Libra’s sense of self so that they can find partnerships, contracts and agreements that help them grow rather than hold them back. Libra’s ruling planet Venus goes retrograde from July 22nd to September 3rd in their community sector allowing them to examine friendship dynamics, network with like minded colleagues in their field and get more involved in groups they care about.
Libras also spend this year recovering their finances after a rocky 2022. The eclipse on May 5th may bring one final stressful moment for cash flow but things improve once Jupiter moves into their shared resources sector on May 16th. This transit (which goes through May 2024!) brings Libras debt relief and freelance opportunities, and is also a great time to start working with a therapist or coach.
Libras should also spend time focusing on their health in 2023 as rule planet Saturn moves through their sixth house of work, maintenance and managing dis-ease. It’s time to make that dreaded dentist appointment, start working with a personal trainer and take all the vitamins! Overall, 2023 is Libra’s year for health and wealth!