Do you remember when you were young, falling into a deep peaceful sleep to the sound of your parents reading you a bedtime story? But now, as a grown-up, it’s more likely that you drift off at night to the harsh blue and white light of your phone…not a good way to catch quality z’s.
What’s the alternative? Download an app that features bedtime stories written specifically for adults. It’s called Calm and it has sleep stories meant to aid in the transition from the hustle and bustle of daily life to the calm of the evening. Rather than stimulating the brain with TV or emails, these stories help power down the mind. Think of them as mini audio books, but with soothing voices coaching you into rest mode.
You can choose from a wide range of stories, both fiction and nonfiction, that will take you on some kind of journey—from the lush sequoia forests of California to the lavender fields of Provence. Stories are narrated by different readers, and you can choose whose voice is most relaxing. We personally like British actor Stephen Fry, but maybe you’d prefer NPR’s Laura Sydell or Matthew McConaughey's sweet southern drawl.
Stories average about 20 minutes, but they knocked us out in about five. A relaxing bedtime routine and a great night’s sleep? Sign us up.