
3 Body Language Green Flags on a First Date That Mean a Second Date Is in the Cards

this is going well, right?

body language green flags first date
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A few months ago, I chatted with a relationship expert about body language red flags to watch out for on a first date (avoiding eye contact, excessively fidgeting, etc.). The tips were super helpful, and they got me thinking: What are body language green flags on a first date? You know, those little hints that mean you’re meshing well and a second date is likely. I got the scoop from dating coach and podcaster Sabrina Zohar.

Meet the Expert

Sabrina Zohar is an entrepreneur and dating coach best known for her podcast, The Sabrina Zohar Show. With a no-nonsense approach to relationship advice, the podcast offers practical tips backed by licensed psychologists to help listeners improve their dating lives through self-worth and personal growth. Zohar covers topics like anxious attachment and modern dating dynamics, empowering listeners to take control of their relationships and make positive changes. 

1. They Angle Their Body Toward You

Zohar tells me that when someone is genuinely interested, they’ll naturally face their body toward you—their shoulders, torso and even their feet will point in your direction. “It’s their way of saying, I’m right here and I’m engaged with you,” she says. “If they’re angled toward the door or their attention drifts to the bar or everywhere else but you, they’re mentally checking out.”

2. They Nod and Give Subtle Verbal Cues

Active listening, Zohar proclaims, is sexy. This means they’re nodding and giving subtle verbal cues like ‘mhm,’ ‘really?’ or ‘tell me more,’ all signs that they’re engaged and invested in what you’re saying. She says, “Someone who’s tuned in isn’t just hearing you—they’re actually listening and will remember some of the things you share down the line.”

3. They Self-Sooth for Nervousness

“When someone is nervously excited in a good way, you might catch them doing small self-soothing gestures—like they might bit their lip, lightly touch their neck or play with their glass,” Zohar says, explaining that these are subconscious ways our body releases nervous energy when someone is attracted and engaged with us. She does note, though, that there’s a difference between excited nerves and uncomfortable nerves. “If they’re rubbing their neck excessively, crossing their arms super tight or fidgeting like they’re trying to bolt? That’s not a good sign—it’s their body signaling discomfort.” Stay aware but don’t over analyze every move. 

Finally, a Red Flag Not to Ignore: Checking Their Phone

In addition to the green flags listed above, Zohar was clear about this one red flag: being on their phone (or even having it out on the table). If they’re glued to their phone, she says, they’re not present. “You deserve someone who values your time, not someone who’s one notification away from bailing.” Unless they tell you that they need their phone by them for a specific reason, they shouldn’t be scrolling their phone while they’re sitting across from you on a date. Period.

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