
The 25 Smallest Dog Breeds for Apartments, Easy Airplane Travel and Cuteness Galore

Small but mighty!

small dog breeds universal
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It’s kind of wild that Great Danes and Chihuahuas are the same species, but here we are. Also surprising? The incredible variety of small dog breeds available to canine lovers. Don’t be fooled by the stature of the pups on this list. Many of these cute dogs believe themselves to be as tall and powerful as the big dogs. Others are content being members of the small dog club, watching the world go by from a carrier. If you’re considering getting a pet but aren’t sure if small dog breeds are for you, consider the following itty-bitty puppy committee.

While every dog is an individual, there are trends among small dog breeds that are worth noting. For instance, small dogs may be more difficult to house train, according to a 2019 survey administered by three animal behavior research centers. The sample size was small (just over 700 pups out of the 65 million pet dogs in the U.S.), but only 66% of small breeds were housetrained, compared to 95% of large breeds. Small dogs also tend to live longer, yet require more safety measures than big dogs. A fall from the couch, a busy sidewalk or a crowded dog park could be treacherous for tiny pups, so dog safety should be top of mind with a small breed. Read on for 25 of the smallest dog breeds, plus what you can expect from them.

20 Affectionate Dog Breeds Because Puppy Love Is Just the Best

23 Truly Low-Maintenance Pets Because a Dog Is Out of the Question

smallest dog breeds biewer terrier
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1. Biewer Terrier

  • Height: 7-11 inches
  • Weight: 4-8 pounds
  • Personality: smart, loving
  • Activity Level: moderate
  • Shedding Factor: low
  • Life Expectancy: 16 years
  • Trainability: easy to train

Don’t mistake these tiny pups for Yorkies! Their white, tan and black coloring is as unique as they are charming. Biewers originated in Germany in the 1980s. They’re known for being happy-go-lucky and incredibly devoted to their families. Be prepared for lots of social interactions when you take Biewers for walks—these dogs love meeting new people and other animals according to the Biewer Terrier Club of America. Their affectionate nature makes them eager to please you, so training often becomes easy and fun. Unless you want to care for their long, silky hair, Biewers will need to visit the groomer’s frequently for a trim.   

smallest dog breeds brussels griffon
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2. Brussels Griffon

  • Average Height: 7-10 inches
  • Average Weight: 8-10 pounds
  • Personality: sensitive, loyal
  • Activity Level: moderate
  • Shedding Factor: low
  • Life Expectancy: 12 to 15 years
  • Trainability: easy to train  

Don’t leave Brussels Griffons home alone for long stretches—they’ll take it personally and miss you too much. Though they aren’t ideal for kids, these make great companions for adults looking for goofy, ride-or-die canine pals. When training commands and skills, keep in mind the Brussels Griffon’s sensitive nature. Avoid harsh tones and always reward good behavior. These are smart puppies and would definitely enjoy bonding with you over some agility or tracking training if given the chance.  

smallest dog breeds chihuahua
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3. Chihuahua

  • Height: 5-8 inches
  • Weight: < 6 pounds
  • Personality: charming, intelligent
  • Activity Level: moderate
  • Shedding Factor: low
  • Life Expectancy: 14-16 years
  • Trainability: can be difficult to train 

Chihuahuas have been around for centuries and may use this old-soul wisdom to take advantage of you. They’re smart and learn quickly, but may be stubborn and follow their own rules. It’s hard not to love their dedication and charm, though. As the smallest dog breed out there (Chihuahuas don’t weigh more than six pounds), they’re also one of the most popular. According to Rover’s 2024 Most Popular Dog Breed survey, these tiny sweethearts came in sixth overall and ranked third in terms of loyalty.   

smallest dog breeds miniature dachshund
@Hans Surfer/Getty Images

4. Miniature Dachshund

  • Height: 5-6 inches
  • Weight: < 11 pounds
  • Personality: independent, affectionate
  • Activity Level: moderate
  • Shedding Factor: low
  • Life Expectancy: 13 to 15 years
  • Trainability: can be difficult to train 

Miniature Dachshunds are smarties with independent streaks, so training and socialization early is key to a happy dog. Use rewards-based training and don’t give up if your pup grows stubborn. Always up for an adventure, Mini Dachshunds go anywhere with their favorite person. Watch them around stairs and ledges! Dachshunds get so pumped for activities they’ve been known to trip when taking stairs too quickly, injuring their backs or legs. These outgoing dogs see themselves as such fierce protectors, that The Dachshund Club of America says “shyness is a serious fault.”  

smallest dog breeds italian greyhound
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5. Italian Greyhound

  • Height: 13-15 inches
  • Weight: 7-14 pounds
  • Personality: playful, sweet
  • Activity Level: moderate
  • Shedding Factor: low
  • Life Expectancy: 14 to 15 years
  • Trainability: stubborn but trainable 

Though taller than many breeds on our list, the Italian Greyhound is certainly one of the leanest. Miniature versions of standard-sized Greyhounds, these skinny dogs enjoy snuggling on the couch to keep warm and racing after toys. If you’ve always wanted to dress your dog up for special occasions, this is the one. They need extra layers when it gets chilly. Don’t let their delicate build and bony legs fool you—these are sighthounds with high prey drives. Chasing after small animals is instinctual. Italian Greyhounds have sensitive souls, so stick to positive reinforcement training when teaching commands.   

smallest dog breeds japanese chin
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6. Japanese Chin

  • Average Height: 8-11 inches
  • Average Weight: 7-11 pounds
  • Personality: proud, quiet
    Activity Level: moderate
  • Shedding Factor: low to moderate
  • Life Expectancy: 10 to 12 years
  • Trainability: can be difficult to train

Bred to lounge in the lap of luxury, these dogs enjoy the simple pleasures in life. They’re loyal to their owners, but aren’t worried about following commands. They’ve been compared to cats, which should tell you something about their mellow yet proud demeanor. The Japanese Chin Club of America recommends asking your vet to test for certain eye ailments common in brachycephalic breeds to get ahead of any health problems. Japanese Chins are ideal for apartment dwellers with ample attention to give. 

smallest dog breeds japanese terrier
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7. Japanese Terrier

  • Average Height: 10-13 inches
  • Average Weight: 10-12 pounds
  • Personality: independent, athletic
  • Activity Level: moderate
  • Shedding Factor: moderate to high
  • Life Expectancy: 12 to 15 years
  • Trainability: can be difficult to train

These tiny terriers are very smart and eager when it comes to playtime. They are, however, wary of strangers, so be cautious on walks around other people and dogs. Japanese Terriers have strong independent streaks, so training will be difficult. The AKC recommends working with a dog trainer familiar with stubborn terriers. Japanese Terriers also have unique coloring—their bodies are entirely white and their heads are black, brown or tan. One look at those floppy ears and big brown eyes will make you swoon.

smallest dog breeds maltese
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8. Maltese

  • Average Height: 7-9 inches
  • Average Weight: < 7 pounds
  • Personality: adaptable, alert
  • Activity Level: moderate
  • Shedding Factor: low
  • Life Expectancy: 12 to 15 years
  • Trainability: can be difficult to train

Yes, the Maltese’s gorgeous snow-white coat may exude pompousness, but they are athletic and happy to go with the flow. Maltese pups tend to bark to signal intruders—or friends—but they are jovial at heart, eager to mingle and play. Training a Maltese isn’t for the faint of heart because they can be stubborn, but positive reinforcement and perhaps a little agility or course work could make the experience more fun for them. Like Yorkie and Biewer Terriers, these tiny dogs need lots of grooming, whether you’re brushing their hair or taking them in for a trim.  

smallest dog breeds papillion
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9. Papillion

  • Average Height: 8-11 inches
  • Average Weight: 5-10 pounds
  • Personality: happy, outgoing
  • Activity Level: high
  • Shedding Factor: moderate
  • Life Expectancy: 14 to 16 years
  • Trainability: trains well with positive reinforcement 

Papillon means “butterfly” in French, which suits these tiny dogs well since their ears resemble wings and they are truly the social butterflies of the Toy Group. This is a great example of a small breed who considers itself one of the big dogs, ready to roll around and play fetch. Papillons also adapt well to just about any household. The Papillon Club of America says, “Papillons thrive on stimulation – obedience work, agility, therapy, anything that gives them an opportunity to use their brains and shine for humans.” So train early and keep the fun coming!

smallest dog breeds pekingese
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10. Pekingese

  • Average Height: 6-9 inches
  • Average Weight: <14 pounds
  • Personality: proud, loyal
  • Activity Level: low
  • Shedding Factor: moderate
  • Life Expectancy: 12 to 14 years
  • Trainability: can be difficult to train

Already a proud breed, the Pekingese has even more to brag about after being named Westminster’s Best in Show in 2021. Aside from the lengthy, fluffy coat and short muzzle, you’ll know a Pekingese by its confidence (barking at strangers) and loyalty (more barking at strangers). Training a dog that has spent centuries as a companion animal with no real job to speak of might prove difficult. Approach training a Pekingese with a positive attitude and the understanding that they might just not be that into following orders. 

smallest dog breeds pomeranian
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11. Pomeranian

  • Average Height: 6-7 inches
  • Average Weight: 3-7 pounds
  • Personality: lively, adaptable
  • Activity Level: moderate to high
  • Shedding Factor: moderate
  • Life Expectancy: 12 to 16 years
  • Trainability: trains best when young 

Talk about a teeny frame with a huge personality. Pomeranians are fluff balls of joy, willing to romp around with kids (gently) or frolic in the yard with other pets. Whether you reside in the city or country, Poms will be content, as long as you house train them early. Both the AKC and the American Pomeranian Club urge parents of these dogs to leash train right away and never let them off leash in unfenced spaces. They love to run and play but underestimate dangers like busy streets.   

smallest dog breeds silky terrier
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12. Silky Terrier

  • Average Height: 9-10 inches
  • Average Weight: 10 pounds
  • Personality: feisty, friendly
  • Activity Level: moderate
  • Shedding Factor: low
  • Life Expectancy: 13 to 15 years
  • Trainability: stubborn but trainable 

Silky Terriers are cousins of Yorkshire Terriers and were originally bred in Australia. They have big personalities and don’t like being ignored (aka, they can become destructive if left alone too long or without ample mental stimulation). The Silky Terrier Club of America claims that once you have a Silky in your family, you never go back! Of course, this requires lots of firm training early on to ensure good behavior. Training should include lots of socialization, as these fearless pups have a tendency to become very protective and may snip at strangers. 

smallest dog breeds toy fox terrier
Sergey Ryumin/Getty Images

13. Toy Fox Terrier

  • Average Height: 8-12 inches
  • Average Weight: 4-9 pounds
  • Personality: sweet, energetic
  • Activity Level: moderate to high
  • Shedding Factor: moderate
  • Life Expectancy: 13 to 15 years
  • Trainability: easy to train 

Toy Fox Terriers have silky smooth, short coats and tall, perky ears. They need lots of exercise; this energy is often best spent outdoors with people. One huge perk for anyone who abhors house breaking: Toy Fox Terriers can be trained to use puppy pads indoors. These are smart dogs eager to learn, so commands and tricks come easily. 

smallest dog breeds toy poodle
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14. Toy Poodle

  • Average Height: <10 inches
  • Average Weight: 4-6 pounds
  • Personality: intelligent, confident
  • Activity Level: moderate to high
  • Shedding Factor: hypoallergenic
  • Life Expectancy: 10 to 18 years
  • Trainability: easy to train 

Poodles of all sizes are extremely smart and highly trainable. They make outstanding family pets for this reason, not to mention their willingness to join in any activity. Grooming can be time-consuming and expensive, but they are hypoallergenic. Despite the extremely tiny stature of the Toy Poodle, the Poodle Club of America says these tiny dogs are hardy and sturdy pets

smallest dog breeds yorkshire terrier
John Kelly/Getty Images

15. Yorkshire Terrier

  • Average Height: 7-8 inches
  • Average Weight: 7 pounds
  • Personality: affectionate, lively
  • Activity Level: moderate
  • Shedding Factor: hypoallergenic
  • Life Expectancy: 11 to 15 years
  • Trainability: easy to train 

Perhaps the quintessential small dog breed is the Yorkshire Terrier. These are energetic balls of fun who enjoy cavorting around town with their families. Despite their yippy reputation, they are workers through and through. Yorkies actually excel at sports like agility and rally, but even learning new tricks at home will keep their bodies and minds sharp. Get ready for a friendly, albeit slightly stubborn, companion. 

Small dog breed Affenpinscher on walk outside
Anton Petukhov/Getty Images

16. Affenpinscher

  • Height: 9-12 inches
  • Weight: 7-10 pounds
  • Personality: goofy, proud
  • Activity Level: moderate
  • Shedding Factor: hypoallergenic
  • Life Expectancy: 12 to 15 years
  • Trainability: stubborn but trainable  

Affenpinschers are goofy dogs known for their big personalities. Some people say they look like Star Wars Ewoks, while in France they’re called “mustached little devils,” according to the American Kennel Club. No matter what you see in your Affenpinscher, be prepared for loyal companionship and lots of playtime (these dogs enjoy exercise!). Like many toy breeds they are certainly stubborn, but their intelligence makes them eager to learn commands if you’re firm and consistent. 

Small dog breed bichon frise in a blue sweater on fall leaves
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17. Bichon Frise

  • Height: 9.5-11.5 inches
  • Weight: 12-18 pounds
  • Personality: cheerful, adaptable
  • Activity Level: moderate
  • Shedding Factor: hypoallergenic
  • Life Expectancy: 14-15 years
  • Trainability: easy to train 

Hypoallergenic and adaptable, Bichon Frises are great family dogs. They get along well with everyone and enjoy learning commands (as long as you teach them early). Sure they might bark if they get excited, but this is their way of getting in on the action. Bichons also know when it’s time to calm down and will love lounging on your lap. They definitely require frequent brushing or a nice trip to be groomed every six weeks or so

smallest dog breeds coton
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18. Coton de Tulear

  • Height: 9-11 inches
  • Weight: 8-15 pounds
  • Personality: charming, social
  • Activity Level: moderate
  • Shedding Factor: Low
  • Life Expectancy: 15-19 years
  • Trainability: easy to train 

“Coton” means “cotton” in French. As soon as you pet a Coton de Tulear, you’ll feel a white coat as soft as cotton. They come from Tulear in Madagascar and love people. Bred as companion animals for the wealthy, today they make great family pets because they’re social and enjoy outdoor time. Training is a necessity because these tiny pups can become territorial. As long as training sessions are engaging and fun (Cotons bore easily), they’ll be ready to absorb your lessons. 

smallest dog breeds english toy spaniel
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19. English Toy Spaniel

  • Height: 9-10 inches
  • Weight: 8-14 pounds
  • Personality: devoted, sweet
  • Activity Level: moderate
  • Shedding Factor: moderate
  • Life Expectancy: 10-12 years
  • Trainability: can be difficult to train  

English Toy Spaniels might seem to have split personalities. While they are endlessly devoted to their humans, they may turn their noses up at strangers. Bred and developed as agile hunters, English Toy Spaniels can definitely be stubborn. Be prepared for push back during training. It’s also wise to keep in mind these dogs have shorter snouts and shouldn’t be overworked or exercised in very hot weather.

Small dog breed manchester toy terrier on the street
DevidDO/Getty Images

20. Manchester Toy Terrier

  • Height: 10-12 inches
  • Weight: <12 pounds
  • Personality: lively, intelligent
  • Activity Level: moderate to high
  • Shedding Factor: low
  • Life Expectancy: 15-17 years
  • Trainability: easy to train 

Check out those bat ears! Toy Manchester Terriers are compact dogs with lots of energy and intelligence. While they love to love their families, they may be wary of strangers, so introduce them to new people and dogs slowly. Training should be a cinch, as long as your methods are positive and lessons don’t last too long. These smarties get bored quickly. 

smallest-dog-breeds: a shih tzu running around
Sharleen Chao/Getty Images

21. Shih Tzu

  • Height: 9-11 inches
  • Weight: 0-16 pounds
  • Personality: charming, adaptable
  • Activity Level: moderate
  • Shedding Factor: low
  • Life Expectancy: 10-19 years
  • Trainability: can be difficult to train

Shih Tzus love to be the boss. When training these canines, be patient, consistent and fun about it. The AKC suggests, “Introduc[ing] desired new behaviors a bit at a time, be firm and never give in while the dog is misbehaving.” Because Shih Tzus are such affectionate charmers, they work well with kiddos and other pets. Let their coats grow long and brush often or visit the groomer’s regularly for stylish trims.   

smallest-dog-breeds: a chinese crested playing at a dog park
Robbie Goodall/Getty Images

22. Chinese Crested

  • Height: 11-13 inches
  • Weight: 8-12 pounds
  • Personality: loving, alert
  • Activity Level: moderate
  • Shedding Factor: hairless, low shedding
  • Life Expectancy: 13-18 years
  • Trainability: easy to train

These dogs look like characters out of a fairy tale! The hairless Chinese Cresteds only have fluffy patches of hair on their heads, tails and ankles and require some extra TLC to keep their skin healthy. The Powderpuff variety boasts a low shedding, super soft coat. Both versions are loving, devoted animals who are eager to please their favorite people and make great therapy dogs. The American Chinese Crested Club calls these dogs elegant and fine-boned. They’re lively and enjoy play time - they can even excel at agility exercises if trained early using positive reinforcement. An ancient breed used to keep Chinese merchant ships free from rodents, these tiny dogs may just be the ultimate modern day companion. 

smallest-dog-breeds: a rat terrier playing at a park
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23. Rat Terrier

  • Height: 10-13 inches (Miniature), 13-18 inches (Standard)
  • Weight: 10-25 pounds
  • Personality: happy, intelligent  
  • Activity Level: moderate to high
  • Shedding Factor: moderate
  • Life Expectancy: 12-18 years
  • Trainability: easy to train

These tiny brainiacs come in two sizes and both are petite enough to make our list of the smallest dog breeds. Rat Terriers are delightful, happy pups who train easily for the most part (some are very stubborn, according to the AKC, so it’s wise to start training early and use positive reinforcement tactics). They are also said to be sensitive creatures, which makes them good companions for children. Rat Terriers do have high prey drives because they were bred to chase rats on farms and aren’t afraid to yap at people they don’t know. They’re just trying to protect you!

smallest-dog-breeds: a russell terrier sitting on a yellow arm chair and playing with a toy
Olena Smyrnova/Getty Images

24. Russell Terrier

  • Height: 10-12 inches
  • Weight: 9-15 pounds
  • Personality: energetic, playful
  • Activity Level: high
  • Shedding Factor: moderate
  • Life Expectancy: 12-14 years
  • Trainability: stubborn but trainable

Bred for fox hunting in England, Russell Terriers are compact little machines who can run, bark, chase and play all day long. The American Russell Terrier Club notes these pups are smaller than Parson Russell Terriers, though both breeds are friendly and fearless. Families with busy schedules who want to include their dog in their plans are ideal for Russell Terriers. These dogs do not like being bored or left out. Like Rat Terriers, Russells have high prey drives, so socialization and training early on will make for a positive relationship between these pups and other animals and people.  

smallest-dog-breeds: a mini pinscher standing on a meadow
Anita Kot/Getty Images

25. Miniature Pinscher 

  • Height: 10-13 inches
  • Weight: 8-10 pounds
  • Personality: athletic, proud 
  • Activity Level: high
  • Shedding Factor: moderate
  • Life Expectancy: 12-16 years
  • Trainability: can be difficult to train

Small yet mighty, Miniature Pinschers definitely give off big dog energy. Called the King of Toys, these pups chased rats in Germany hundred of years ago, according to the Miniature Pinscher Club of America. The club also notes that these tiny dogs are not mini versions of Dobermans, which were actually bred much later. Today, MinPins are terrific companion dogs. Make sure your Miniature Pinscher gets outside for at least a few walks every day - they have energy to burn before cuddling up with you on the couch.  

There are tons of reasons to adopt a cute, small dog. Beyond their tiny size, they are incredibly practical.

  • Small breeds fit into small spaces. Apartments or homes with limited space for animals make shorter, lighter breeds ideal.
  • Small dogs make terrific companions. It’s easier to keep tiny pups with you at all times than, say, a Saint Bernard. This is especially true when traveling by airplane.
  • Small dogs can fly more frequently. Airlines became stricter about allowing pets on board after the Covid-19 pandemic. Southwest and United are prime examples. They only allow small dogs who fit in a carrier under your seat on flights.
  • Small dogs may cost less over time. Market Watch estimates food for one dog costs between $210 and $2,340 each year. Depending on what brand your dog eats and how much, you’ll probably spend less on meals for a Yorkie than a Rhodesian Ridgeback. However, small dog breeds tend to live longer than large breeds. So, you might spend more over a longer period of time!
  • Small dogs make great senior pets. Seniors especially may find that social, cute small dogs are less work and more fun to take out on walks.

Dog ownership isn’t all rainbows and sunshine, no matter how little they are. Small dog breeds present their own set of challenges.

  • Extra gear. Many small breeds require extra care in cold climates. This means stocking up on sweaters, booties and jackets to ensure your tiny pup doesn’t freeze to death in winter weather.
  • Stubbornness. Many small breeds are known for their reluctance to follow commands. Now, this is a gross generalization. Every dog is unique and firm training can work wonders on even the most stubborn pups. In actuality, the problem usually lies with us humans (oops!). But prepare yourself for challenges. 
  • Fragile. Small dog breeds leaping off tall beds can result in broken or sprained legs. If you own a tiny pup, it’s wise to keep an eye on them and invest in dog stairs to prevent injury. Michael Kearley, DVM, writing for PetMd, says many small dogs require surgery to fix broken bones, as they don’t have as many blood vessels in their bones to heal on their own.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the smallest dog breed in the world?

The chihuahua is generally accepted to be the smallest dog breed in the world. Standing eight inches tall at most (usually shorter) and weighing around six pounds, it’s hard to argue with the numbers. Currently, Pearl, a 4-year-old chihuahua in Florida, is credited with being the world’s smallest dog. She weighs just over one pound and is as long as a dollar bill.  

Pomeranians come close (about seven inches tall, weighing between three and seven pounds), but all their fluffy fur makes them appear larger! 

 What are the most popular small dog breeds?

Looking at the AKC’s list of the most popular dog breeds from 2023, the most recent year the data is available, Yorkies, Shih Tzus, Pomeranians and Chihuahuas are ranked highest among small dog breeds. Of course, the number one spot goes to French Bulldogs, but compared to many of the breeds on this list, Frenchies are pretty massive! 

What are the lowest-maintenance small dog breeds?

All dogs require maintenance (walks, food, playtime, training), but some definitely need less than others. Low-maintenance dog breeds don’t typically need frequent grooming and are easy to train. They may be mellow and consider a stroll around the block plenty of exercise for one day. By these standards, Rat Terriers, Maltese, Chihuahuas and Papillons could be considered pretty low-maintenance. 

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Freelance Writer

Sarah Ashley covers dogs, cats and pet products for PureWow. She's also tackled mental health, travel and her own struggles with infertility. Beyond earning a Certificate in Creative Nonfiction, covering PetCon and the National Dog Show, Sarah is currently working towards her Masters in Journalism. You can read more of her work on The Click, Culture Trip and Reductress.