Potty training is a major milestone in a toddler’s development, and a real mind f*ck for lots of parents. They’re taking control of their bodies, which sometimes means relieving themselves in toilets (yay!) or other times, crouching behind a couch for 30 minutes “not pooping.”
I, personally, was on the brink of calling a “poop therapist” when my toddler was "stepping into her independence” by refusing to poop. One day, you might think you won the potty training lottery with a successful plop in the potty, and the next, you might find yourself smelling something suspiciously rancid as you cart your way through Target sans diaper bag (why god why?) “But I asked if you had to go potty before we left!”
Sometimes, with their communication skills still in beta, it’s just simply impossible to know exactly when a child is ready to go. In that case, it’s important to understand your toddler’s body languagewhich can be a queue as to what she needs in the toileting department. I reached out to a child behavior expert to learn the signs and what they mean.