
3 Toddler Body Language Signs to Watch For During Potty Training

These might save your carpet

toddler body language signs potty
Olga Pankova/Getty Images

Potty training is a major milestone in a toddler’s development, and a real mind f*ck for lots of parents. They’re taking control of their bodies, which sometimes means relieving themselves in toilets (yay!) or other times, crouching behind a couch for 30 minutes “not pooping.” 

I, personally, was on the brink of calling a “poop therapist” when my toddler was "stepping into her independence” by refusing to poop. One day, you might think you won the potty training lottery with a successful plop in the potty, and the next, you might find yourself smelling something suspiciously rancid as you cart your way through Target sans diaper bag (why god why?) “But I asked if you had to go potty before we left!” 

Sometimes, with their communication skills still in beta, it’s just simply impossible to know exactly when a child is ready to go. In that case, it’s important to understand your toddler’s body languagewhich can be a queue as to what she needs in the toileting department. I reached out to a child behavior expert to learn the signs and what they mean.  

Meet the Expert.

Brianna Briganti, M.Ed., BCBA, LBA, a Board Certified Behavior Analyst and Clinical Program Supervisor at Collaborative ABA Services, shares key toddler body language cues to watch for—and how parents can use them to support the potty-training process.

A toddler looking like they have to go potty
Tanavit Somdash/Getty Images

1. The Classic Potty Dance (and Other Signs of Discomfort)

“One of the most well-known signs a toddler needs to go is the ‘potty dance’—wiggling, shifting from foot to foot, or bouncing in place. But other, more subtle movements can indicate the same urgency. Your child might grab at their pants, tug at their diaper, or even point toward their private area. These little cues often signal that it’s time for a bathroom break,” says Briganti. 

What to do: A comment like, “I see you’re doing the potty dance! Let’s go to the bathroom!” can reinforce the link between their body’s signals and the action of using the potty. But sometimes, your toddler still might deny that they have to go. In that case, play it cool with a “Let’s just try!” or “Well, I’ve got to go and I could use your help!” to get them to go along with it. 

A toddler looking like they have to go potty
MoMo Productions/Getty Images

2. Hiding or Seeking Privacy

Some toddlers will find a quiet corner or hide behind furniture when they feel the urge to go. This can be an early sign that they are becoming aware of their bodily functions and starting to seek privacy. While it might seem like a quirky behavior, recognizing this as a potty-training cue can help parents intervene before an accident happens,” shares Briganti.

What to do: Says Briganti: “If your toddler tends to disappear right before they go in their diaper, it’s a great opportunity to gently guide them to the potty instead.” While haters say bribing kids is “bad,” I will say that my husband and I found single M&M’s to be pretty potent carrots to dangle in front of our 3-year-old.

toddler body language undressing
Dobrila Vignjevic/Getty Images

3. Undressing (Even When It’s Not Time for a Diaper Change)

If your child suddenly starts pulling off their pants or taking off their diaper, you might assume they’re just exploring independence.” But…Briganti warns, “This can actually be their way of signaling that they need to use the potty.”

What to do: Encourage them to make the connection between their brains and their bodies, with something like, “I see you’re taking off your pants. Let’s try going to the potty!” This can help reinforce the behavior in a positive way. If they fall into denial, revert to “let’s just try!”

The Long, Winding and, Often Times Wet, Road 

Remember: Every child develops at their own pace, says Briganti. The child behaviorist reminds me that factors like motor skills, language development and bladder control all play a role in potty training success. Being patient, observant and responsive to your toddler’s cues can make the transition smoother and more positive for both of you. That said, if you need to scream into a pillow at any point, go for it. 


Executive Editor

  • Lifestyle editor and writer with a knack for long-form pieces
  • Has more than a decade of experience in digital media and lifestyle content on the page, podcast and on-camera
  • Studied English at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor