It’s crazy to think that all the plastics we’ve used over the years won’t biodegrade in our lifetime, or even our kids’ lifetimes. We’ve been making positive changes to reduce the amount of single-use items we toss in the garbage—like getting on board with metal straws, reusable water bottles and plastic wrap alternatives. But now there’s a new, easy swap that will actually save us so much money in the long run—and prevent hundreds of plastics from littering our environment. We’re talking about reusable, biodegradable silicone or PEVA sandwich bags.
This school year, you could save over 500 single-use plastics from being tossed in the garbage, just by packing the kids’ and your lunches and snacks in a reusable container every day. Not to mention they look way cooler than plastic sandwich bags (kid points) and keep food secure for hours. Ready to get on board? Here are six packs of reusable pouches that make the world a better, cleaner place.