
8 Easy Tips for How to Pose for Pictures

You’re enjoying a fun night out with friends when the inevitable happens: a group photo that turns into a group Facebook post that turns into you manically de-tagging anything in sight. Here, eight easy tricks for how to pose for pictures.

9 Photogenic Outfit Formulas You’ll Love

photo tips halle
Jon Kopaloff/Getty Images

Mind Your Chin

When posing for a photo, push your chin and head slightly forward. It feels kind of unnatural, but on film it does wonders for making your face look thinner and getting rid of any hint of a double chin.

gwenyth paltrow tips for looking better in photos
Stefanie Keenan/Getty Images

And Your Shoulders

Again, a slight push forward. This will emphasize your collarbone and make your arms look thinner. Good posture also makes you look more polished and elegant, which is never a bad thing.

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Jason Merritt/Getty Images

And...your Tongue?

Put your tongue on the roof of your mouth just behind your teeth when smiling for a pic. The resulting expression is way more relaxed than maniacal.

mindy kaling tips for looking better in photos
Jason LaVeris/Getty Images

Do The Twist

Turn your body. Instead of facing the camera head on, pivot slightly, planting one foot in front of the other. Point your toe toward the camera and put your weight on your back foot.

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Theo Wargo/Getty Images

Get Stuck In The Middle

Group photos present a conundrum. Everyone wants to look good, so no one wants to be on the ends of the photo (where you typically look the largest). We’re not advocating bodychecking your way into the middle (where you’ll look narrower), but we’re also not advocating not.

zoe saldana tips for looking better in photos
Jason LaVeris/Getty Images

Consider "the Skinny Arm"

No matter what you do with your arms, don’t press them into your body. Either place your hands on your hips or hold them slightly away from the sides of your body.

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Frazer Harrison/Getty Images

Practice, Practice, Practice

We’re not above shameless mirror selfies if it means looking amazing when a real photo happens. Find your best pose, stick to it and don’t let anyone make fun of you for always doing the same thing. (Just look at Victoria Beckham.)

tips for looking better in photos try a filter
elenaleonova/getty images

Don't Fear The Filter

There’s a reason Instagram filters exist--they are your friends. The right filter choice can take a mediocre photo to the next level. “Whoa, is that Gisele Bündchen?” your friend asks. “Nope, just me in ‘rise.’” Consult this handy guide before posting your next snap.

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