
2 Zodiac Signs That Are More Likely to Attract Narcissists

These sun signs need to put their guards up more

Still of Penn Badgley and Elizabeth Lail from "You" about a narcissistic stalker.

Mental health awareness isn’t just on the rise, it’s everywhere. Anyone who’s anyone is in talk therapy. And even if you’re not in talk therapy, you’re probably familiar with an Instagram therapist or two. This peak saturation has its benefits, like destigmatizing mental health conditions. But it also has its traps, like garbling the definitions of words like “gaslighting” and “trauma bonding” to the point that they’ve lost their meaning. 

Narcissism is another buzzword in this sphere. Narcissistic Personality Disorder affects less than 1 percent of the population, yet somehow, it seems that everyone has a narcissist (or several) in their lives. Though many of these so-called narcissists don’t act like a character on Succession or have a full-blown diagnosed personality disorder, they definitely have some narcissistic traits. That grating combination of self-obsession and total insecurity makes for energy vampires who can really suck the life out of anyone who dares get close to them. And there are some of us who are unfortunately more likely to attract this deadly combination than others. Here are the two signs who are most likely to get themselves all wrapped up in someone else’s myopic world.

1. Pisces (February 18 - March 20)

Of course passionate Pisces is the sign that’s probably the most likely to attract narcissistic types. The mutable water sign is compassionate and empathetic, usually to a fault. Pisces tend to have one foot in reality and another foot in the dream world and because of this, they’re able to put a lot of faith in potential alone. Narcissists are self-obsessed but also deeply hurt people with many insecurities. Pisces can get caught up trying to comfort or even save the narcissist from themselves. Because of their sensitive, watery nature, Pisces are also easily consumed into other people’s drama and narcissists provide an endless stream of difficulties for Pisces to swim in.

2. Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Though some of you reading this might be thinking, “Wait, I thought Leos were the self obsessed ones?” That take comes from having a deep misunderstanding of Leo’s true qualities. Leo is the sun (well, ruled by the sun at least) meaning that, yes, they take up a lot of space, but they also have so much light and love to give. Yes, despite popular belief, Leos are generous, sometimes to a fault, and can easily get caught up trying to save a low-vibe narcissistic type. Narcissists are known for beginning every relationship with a ton of flattery, and how could Leo resist that? But once they wake up from the love bombing, it’s hard for the fixed fire sign to detach from someone who they care about. Leos are loyal, so even when they figure out someone in their sphere is all clouds and no rainbows, they might stick around hoping that things will get better.

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3 Zodiac Signs Always Getting in Their Own Way

Jaime Wright Astrologer PureWow e1723737740541


  • Astrologer and writer of PureWow's weekly and monthly horoscopes
  • Consulting astrologer based in Brooklyn
  • Host of the "Good Fortunes" podcast