
Chinese Zodiac Elements: How to Know What Yours Is and What It Means

Wood, fire, earth, metal and water

chinese zodiac elements universal
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I always knew that there were 12 Chinese zodiac signs—rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig—which repeat on a 12-year cycle. But my understanding of the Chinese Zodiac became so much more nuanced when I learned about Chinese Zodiac Elements. These elements—wood, fire, earth, metal and water—give us even more information about the year.

For example, I was born in 1989, the Year of the Earth Snake. 2025 is also a Year of the Snake, but it’s the Year of the Wood Snake. While Earth Snakes (like me and Taylor Swift) have more solo executive flair, Wood Snakes are known for leading teams with a vision. But those are just two examples. Let’s take a deep dive into the theories behind the elements, what each one means and answer the question: "What is my Chinese zodiac element?"

About the Astrologer

Jaime Wright pens moon missives, an ever-evolving astrology writing project that began in 2016. For almost a decade, she has seen clients online and in person in Brooklyn, NY. She also writes a weekly and monthly horoscope column for PureWow, hosts the good fortune! podcast, and is the house astrologer for Jovian, and Errands.

The 5 Chinese Zodiac Elements are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water

There are also five elements of the Chinese zodiac: wood, fire, earth, metal and water. These are derived from the Five Elements Theory—or Wu Xing—a philosophy used to describe the relationship and interdependence between all things. The cycle of the Five Elements goes in a specific order and can be remembered through noting the different processes of creation and destruction through them. This is known as the Five Elements Theory, where creation and destruction are complementary processes. The ultimate goal is harmony.

The creating (generative) interactions are:

  • Wood starts a Fire
  • Fire creates Earth
  • Earth holds Metal
  • Metal carries Water
  • Water feeds Wood

The destruction (overcoming) interactions are:

  • Fire melts Metal
  • Metal chops Wood
  • Wood separates the Earth
  • Earth absorbs Water
  • Water puts out Fire

Each Chinese Zodiac Year corresponds with an element. Every 60 years we come back to not only the same animal sign, but the same elemental quality as well.

What Is My Chinese Zodiac Element?

It’s very easy to figure out your Chinese Zodiac Element because all you need to know is your birth year, specifically the last number of your birth year.

  • Metal: Birth year ending in 0 or 1
  • Water: Birth year ending in 2 or 3
  • Wood: Birth year ending in 4 or 5
  • Fire: Birth year ending in 6 or 7
  • Earth: Birth year ending in 8 or 9
Dasha Burobina

What Do the Chinese Zodiac Elements Mean?

Each element has distinct priorities that are expressed via the personality traits of people born during the element year. These traits also have a different blend with each zodiac animal. Some elements resonate more with particular zodiac sign—like wood with rabbit and rooster with metal. Let’s get into the details of each so you can identify which one you are.

Chinese zodiac elements: Wood and concrete yin-yang symbol
Natalia Ganelin/Getty Images

1. Wood

  • Personality: Grounded Visionaries
  • Color: Green
  • Season: Spring
  • Planet: Jupiter
  • Symbol: Dragon
  • Climate: Windy
  • Zodiac sign: Tiger, rabbit
  • Recent Wood Years: 1974, 1975, 1984, 1985, 1994, 1995, 2004, 2005, 2014, 2015, 2024

If the last number in your birth year is 4 or 5 then your element is wood. People born during wood years are patient, compassionate and understanding. Like the extensive roots of a mighty, ancient tree, these people are wise beyond their years. Always growing. Wood people are as warm and sociable as they are stable and practical. Trees send messages to each other through their underground network of roots and likewise for wood people, communication and growth go hand in hand.

Because they are so focused on expansion and opportunity though, wood types can become overly competitive or obsessed with achievement for achievement’s sake. When too focused on winning, they can become intrusive and disrespect others’ boundaries. Their vision is strong, but it shouldn’t get in the way of other people’s progress.

Wood people are excellent planners and decision makers and are often associated with extremely wise creatures like owls. To combat their occasional tendency to work themselves into the ground or overindulge, they should engage in regular exercise (something slow and muscle-building like yoga or Pilates) and get plenty of rest.

Chinese zodiac elements: fire
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2. Fire

  • Personality: Thrill chasers
  • Color: Red
  • Season: Summer
  • Planet: Mars
  • Symbol: Phoenix
  • Climate: Hot
  • Zodiac sign: Horse, snake
  • Recent Fire Years: 1976, 1977, 1986, 1987, 1996, 1997, 2006, 2007, 2016, 2017

Those born during fire years can’t help but chase an adventure. Creative and persistent, these people are just deeply passionate about life. Fire people are extremely motivated, and once their spark is ignited, they won’t stop until they’ve lit up the whole village…or, alternately, until they’ve burned the village down. Fire types want to take anyone and everyone along for the ride. And unless you want to be swallowed by the flame, there’s absolutely no getting in their way!

Because they run on passion, fire people are thrill seekers who bore easily if what they’re doing becomes too repetitive or mundane. They don’t do well in work environments where every day is the same and can be a bit flighty. Freelance is definitely better for them than working at the same company forever. Fire types will leave a job or a relationship at the drop of the hat if something more exciting gets their attention. Spontaneity is their love language.

Because they need constant stimulation, fire people can suffer from anxiety and insomnia if they’re not careful about regulating their nervous system. Fire people run hot. To cool down, they should take in the scenery on long walks and be super vigilant about staying hydrated.

If the last number in your birth year is 6 or 7 then your element is fire.

Chinese zodiac elements: earth
Artem Hvozdkov/Getty

3. Earth

  • Personality: Thoughtful Mediators
  • Color: Brown
  • Season: Between summer and autumn
  • Planet: Saturn
  • Symbol: Cauldron
  • Climate: Rainy and wet
  • Zodiac sign: Dragon, dog, ox, sheep
  • Recent Earth Years: 1978, 1979, 1988, 1989, 1998, 1999, 2008, 2009, 2018, 2019 

Those born during earth years are natural peacekeepers. Responsible and justice-oriented, these people are the peer mediators on the college campus and the nerds in high school who always make sure the group project is handed in on time. Earth types are who Mr. Rogers was talking about when he said, “Look for the helpers,” and they are best at helping their friends, family and anyone who truly values them. Earth people remain calm even when they are in the eye of the storm.

Though they are expert problem solvers and crisis managers, earth types can sometimes go too far with their power and become a bit self-centered and controlling. These people move a mountain to help you, but they’re not happy if no one gives them credit for it. A simple “thanks” is not enough for earth types.

To (perhaps ironically) keep themselves grounded in their business—rather than just living to help everyone else—earth people should make time for meditation and stillness. Yes, there’s always something to fix but it doesn’t always need to be fixed immediately. Clarity comes with patience.

If the last number in your birth year is 8 or 9, then your element is earth.

Chinese zodiac elements: metal
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4. Metal

  • Personality: Driven Ice Queens
  • Color: White
  • Season: Autumn
  • Planet: Venus
  • Symbol: Tiger
  • Climate: Dry
  • Zodiac Sign: Monkey, rooster
  • Recent Metal Years: 1970, 1971, 1980, 1981, 1990, 1991, 2000, 2001, 2010, 2011, 2020 

Love them or hate them, people born during metal years always get the job done. These people are unyielding and rigid, often giving off major Miranda Priestly in The Devil Wears Prada vibes. Metal people are regimented minimalists who are on the offensive. For them, satisfaction comes with finding the simplest path to a job well done. They’re also extremely loyal and ferociously protective of their loved ones.

Metal types are disciplined and have high moral standards and though that’s something to be respected, they also can be judgmental and controlling. Sharp as knives, when metal people are mad, their words can cut. It’s imperative that they learn to lighten up a bit and realize that rules and structure are important, but they aren’t everything.

Metal people can tap into their softer, more compassionate side through volunteer work in their local community. It’s good for them to experience things that grow outwards rather than just upward. They’re humbled through being a part of something larger than themselves that still has a tangible impact. Because they have trouble letting go—even after a deep betrayal by a loved one—they should practice deep breathing and meditation to find their inner calm.

If the last number in your birth year is 0 or 1, then your element is metal.

What Is My Chinese Zodiac Sign and Element water
Veikko Rihu / 500px/Getty Images

5. Water

  • Personality: Introspective Artists
  • Color: Black
  • Season: Winter
  • Planet: Mercury
  • Symbol: Turtle
  • Climate: Cold
  • Zodiac Sign: Rat, pig
  • Recent Water Years: 1972, 1973, 1982, 1983, 1992, 1993, 2002, 2003, 2012, 2013

People born during water years are sensitive and introverted, typically needing lots of time for self-reflection. With their thoughts always spinning—and heads sometimes in the clouds—they like to stay away from drama and observe from the sidelines. Water people will step into stressful situations only when they know their voice needs to be heard. Water types love their own company and their happy place is spending a rainy day inside, reading and journaling. Water types are filled to the brim with creativity and inspiration. They’re sympathetic perfectionists who love to coordinate activities that make everyone happy.

Empathetic to a fault, water types can sometimes let their loved ones take over their lives and can lose themselves in others’ stories. On the flip side, they can also isolate to protect themselves and become passive or self-indulgent. Because water people keep so much inside, when they do let it all out, it’s overwhelming for their family and friends.

To find balance, people born during water years need a calm environment. They also should push themselves to get out of the house and socialize because even though they can always entertain themselves, they’re fueled by being around others. No matter what, water types are generally fearless and have strong willpower. Don’t underestimate them just because they’re sensitive.

If the last number in your birth year is 2 or 3 then your element is Water.

What Does It Mean That 2025 Is the Year of the Wood Snake?

2025 isn’t just the Year of the Snake, it’s the Year of the Wood Snake. This year is also sometimes known as the Year of the Green Snake as Wood is associated with the color green. Snakes are wise and intelligent, and often quite sneaky. Snakes are amazing communicators and marketers (Think: Taylor Swift), and Wood years bring out Snake’s refined taste. The Wood Snake Year is one for taking a grand vision to the next level. As grounded visionaries, Wood types also thrive when giving direction and working on a team. 2025 is the year to build the dream team, take risks, and make a splash.

Those born during a Wood year are literally in their element this year. A special shout out goes to those born in 1965, the last year of the Wood Snake. Public figures born during the Year of the Wood Snake include Dr. Dre, Bjork, and Ben Stiller. Wood types thrive when they’re working toward something so give yourself an assignment and stick to it.  Projects launched during 2024’s Wood Dragon Year find more confidence in 2025.

The 5 Chinese Zodiac Elements, Summarized

The 5 Chinese Zodiac Elements are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. The Chinese Zodiac Elements are derived from the Five Elements Theory—or Wu Xing. This is a philosophy used to describe the relationship and interdependence between all things.

While the Chinese zodiac animals come in a 12 year cycle, the element is determined by birth year. Finding your Chinese Zodiac element is simple: those born during years that end in 0 or 1 are Metal; years that end in 2 or 3 are Water, years that end in 4 or 5 are Wood; years that end in 6 or 7 are Fire; and years that end in 8 or 9 are Earth.

Each element has distinct traits whether that’s the grounded visionary (Wood), the thrill chaser (Fire), the thoughtful mediator (Earth), the driven ice queen (Metal), or the introspective artist (Water). Combining these archetypes with the traits of the zodiac animal year gives a more nuanced forecast for those born during that year or the year ahead.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you find your Chinese zodiac sign?

Your Chinese Zodiac sign is based on the year you were born. Those born around the Lunar New Year in January or February (Aquariuses in Western astrology speak)  should consult this calculator to see which year you fall into.

  • Rat Years: 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008 and 2020
  • Ox Years: 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009 and 2021
  • Tiger Years: 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010 and 2022
  • Rabbit Years: 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011 and 2023
  • Dragon Years: 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012 and 2024
  • Snake Years: 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013 and 2025
  • Horse Years: 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014 and 2026
  • Goat Years: 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015 and 2027
  • Monkey Years: 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016 and 2028
  • Rooster Years: 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017 and 2029
  • Dog Years: 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018 and 2030
  • Pig Years: 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019 and 2031

What are the origins of the Chinese zodiac and elements?

The origins of the Chinese zodiac date back 2,000 years to the Qin Dynasty. Legend has it that the Jade Emperor summoned the animals of the kingdom to his palace for a banquet in what became a “Great Race.” The order in which they arrived for the great feast determined their zodiacal order and informed each sign’s characteristics. This system has remained popular in China and throughout Asia for thousands of years because of its rich history, and for its use in determining not just compatibility, but one’s fortune for the year, career trajectories, fertility, and much more.

Jaime Wright Astrologer PureWow e1723737740541


  • Astrologer and writer of PureWow's weekly and monthly horoscopes
  • Consulting astrologer based in Brooklyn
  • Host of the "Good Fortunes" podcast