
Your Weekly Horoscopes: May 8 to 14, 2022

Though it’s still eclipse season and change is a constant, this week actually gives us a chance to catch our breath amidst the tumult. The planets make no major aspects this week beyond the moon’s usual quick connections as she waxes toward a lunar eclipse on the 16th. It’s usually in these moments of planetary stillness that we’re able to process everything that has just happened. And there’s a lot to process!

That said, there isn’t nothing happening this week as the 10th brings two planetary shifts. Jupiter moves into excitable Aries while Mercury stations retrograde in chatty Gemini at the same time. While Jupiter in Aries signals that it’s time to boldly move forward with our plans, Mercury’s simultaneous retrograde suggests that review and reflection are still necessary. Jupiter spends about a year in each sign, and will be in Aries through October 28, and again from December 20 through May 16, 2023. What begins this week is only the start of what will be a larger theme for the next year. Jupiter in Aries—which can be found in the charts of celebs like Lisa Kudrow, Hilary Duff and Sting—inspires us to make our own luck and prioritize optimism along the way.

(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that sign too will provide further insight.)

12 aries

Your glow-up has arrived. As Jupiter joins Venus in your sign this week, you can no longer deny that you’re kind of a big deal. Take this as a hint that it’s OK to ask for more, not settle for less, and generally take up more space. Thinking about raising your rates? Asking for a raise? Propositioning your crush? Go for it. Just keep in mind with Mercury stationing retrograde that communications around your next move might be slower than usual, but that doesn’t mean it’s not meant to be.

This week’s mantra: “I deserve this.”

1 taurus

While everyone else rushes forward, you’re instead taking a bold step back. Jupiter moves into Aries and your unconscious sector on the 10th, ushering in a period of rest, restoration and more time spent in solitude than usual over the next six months. With many changes afoot, especially in your closest relationships, it’s important that you take a step back and give yourself space to recover from burnout, especially on an emotional level. With Mercury stationing retrograde in your finance sector at the same time, a good place to begin might be re-evaluating your budgets.

This week’s mantra: “Peace finds me.”

2 gemini

Whether you’re on a job hunt, getting ready to market your next creative project or simply looking to make friends in your neighborhood, the risk of putting yourself out there is definitely worth it as Jupiter joins Venus in your networking sector on the 10th. Mercury stations retrograde in your sign on the same day, and you might be making some tweaks to the how and why of presenting yourself. Now’s a great time to workshop that elevator pitch, update your resumé or debut that bold new blazer.

This week’s mantra: “I fit in wherever I go.”

3 cancer

Career and public image matters gain major momentum this week as Jupiter moves into Aries on the 10th. You’ve waited a long time for a big break like this one! With Mercury stationing retrograde at the same time though, you may have to give a lot of your attention to behind the scenes busywork: organizing the pantry, clearing up tech issues or finishing a backlog of admin. It’s nice to get this out of the way though so you won’t have to deal with the slog once things really pick up over the coming months.

This week’s mantra: “I’m clearing space for my growth.”

4 leo

Why deny your sense of adventure? Jupiter moves into Aries on the 10th, ushering in a period of travel, study and generally expanding your mind. Whether you’re getting ready for your first trip abroad, putting down a deposit for grad school, or simply going deep into “research mode” (aka watching every single cult documentary available on HBO Max), you have an almost insatiable hunger for learning and exploration right now. Part of this quest might involve getting back in touch with old friends and colleagues who share your interests as Mercury stations retrograde in your friendship sector on the same day.

This week’s mantra: “My curiosity knows no bounds.”

5 virgo

Jupiter enters Aries and your shared resources sector on the 10th, marking the beginning of a period where your constant mantra must be “you have to spend money to make money.” As Mercury goes retrograde in your public image sector at the same time, you might be having second thoughts about a job search or industry switch. But to get where you want to go in your career, you might have to invest in some coaching sessions, a wardrobe update or at least a ring light for those Zoom interviews. Remember that there are some things that are worth the debt.

This week’s mantra: “What I put out comes back to me.”

6 libra

Relationships keep heating up as Jupiter joins Venus in your partnership sector on the 10th. Whether you’re dating around, getting serious with a lover, or building up a client base, one-on-one encounters are beginning to take over your life. Though it’s thrilling to be so involved, you’ve spent so much time the last few years tending to your deep foundation that you’re not used to having so little time to yourself. With Mercury stationing retrograde on the same day, you may need to rearrange travel plans or reconsider long-term goals with other people in mind.

This week’s mantra: “I choose togetherness.”

7 scorpio

Never have you wanted to get off the couch and run more than you do this week, Scorpio. With Jupiter joining Venus in your daily grind sector, you’re feeling inspired to get back into a fitness routine and motivated to improve your workflow. Block out some extra time in your schedule for exercise, rearranging your home office and cooking healthy meals if that brings happiness to your day. Mercury stations retrograde at the same time which may lead to some frustrations in your day-to-day relations with your partner, clients and collaborators. Do what you can to carve away some peace for yourself.

This week’s mantra: “Movement itself is momentum.”

8 sagittarius

This week’s headline is When Sagittarius Got Her Groove Back as your ruling planet Jupiter joins Venus in your romance, creativity and pleasure sector on the 10th. You’re back in the dating game, inspired to continue an artistic project and getting more invites to parties than you have in years. Mercury stations retrograde at the same time to remind you that these dates might be more than just flings, and this comes as a reminder to take things slow with the people, projects and pleasures that you want to stick around long term.

This week’s mantra: “My pleasure is sustainable.”


The herbs in your garden are ready to be harvested, but for the first time in a long time, you don’t feel like sharing the abundance on Instagram. You want to keep it to yourself. Jupiter moves into Aries and your home sector on the 10th and though you’re thrilled for all your friends making major partnership and career moves right now, you’re personally focused on living a simple, quiet life. Mercury retrograde begins on the same day and brings some frustrating delays at work or to your daily schedule, making it even more vital that your home is a comfy space to recover and reset.

This week’s mantra: “Sometimes the action that’s necessary is rest.”

10 aquarius

Things are getting busy for you as Jupiter joins Venus in Aries on the 10th. It’s not just that there’s so much to do—neighborhood events, your BFF’s birthday month extravaganza, all the spring activities at your kids’ school—it’s that you’re also excited to be a part of all of them! It hasn’t felt this good to be involved in a long time. You might even hear from a former fling, artistic partner or childhood friend as Mercury goes retrograde at the same time. Why not add even more fun into the mix?

This week’s mantra: “I navigate my obligations with ease and joy.”

11 pisces

Though it’s bittersweet to see Jupiter leave your sign for Aries on the 10th, this shift is an auspicious occasion for your bank account. Through October 28 (and again early next year), both your net worth and self esteem are on the rise, and you’re also excited to upgrade your belongings and share with loved ones more generously. Mercury stations retrograde in your home sector at the same time signaling that the first step toward this renewed sense of abundance might be clearing out the clutter in your house to make room for what’s to come.

This week’s mantra: “Abundance arrives when I’m ready for it.”

Jaime Wright is an astrologer based in New York. You can subscribe to her newsletter for more musings on the stars.

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  • Astrologer and writer of PureWow's weekly and monthly horoscopes
  • Consulting astrologer based in Brooklyn
  • Host of the "Good Fortunes" podcast