Happy February! Mercury makes a supportive trine to expansive Jupiter on the 3rd bringing an ease in communication. Jupiter then stations direct on the 4th. Think back to October—were there projects you put on the backburner then? Perhaps it’s time to get cooking again. Also on the 4th, Venus enters Aries where the love planet connects via flirty and bold initiations. Venus connects with Pluto on the 7th stoking the passion of transformative connections and strategies.
The entire month of February has a heightened sense of imagination and idealization which peaks this week as Neptune and the North Node link up on the 7th, an aspect that comes with both great hope and great disillusionment. If you find yourself in need of inspiration, consider whether what you’re seeking is already within you.
(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that sign too will provide further insight.)