The courting phase has come to an end and you’re starting to really settle into your new(ish) relationship. Indeed the six month mark is something of a milestone since it’s around this time that the oxytocin-fueled rush of infatuation begins to abate and a new deeper, romantic connection starts to replace those love-at-first-sight feelings. With that said, go ahead and congratulate yourself on making it this far. Then, ensure you’re on the right track to celebrate future milestones together by considering the following things you should know about your partner six months into a relationship, per licensed professional counselor Jeff Guenther.
“As a couple’s counselor, I feel like these are some important basics that you’ll want to build on as you continue your relationship,” the therapist recently said in a TikTok video that has amassed a staggering 1.5 million likes. “If you and your partner can answer nine out of 12 correctly, you’re doing great,” he adds.
Ready? Scroll through the list below and see how you and your beloved make out.