Fortune Line
Sometimes called the “money line,” the fortune line also runs vertically instead of horizontally and is another line that we’re not all blessed with. If you’ve got it, it’s located near the outer portion of your palm near the pinkie finger. Now, don’t get too hyped if you do have it—the fortune line doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to get rich. Sometimes, the fortune line will run into the head line. That’s a sign that you’ll have a successful career, Fahrusha says.
But wait, let’s go back to the life line. Mine is short. Does this mean I’m going to die early?
Not necessarily. Fahrusha believes that a person’s palm—and therefore, their future—can change over time. (Not all palmistry experts share this way of thinking, she says. Others do think your future is set in stone.) Let’s say you got a reading at 32 years old and your palm reader advised you to get your act together health-wise because your life line looked a little short. So you started exercising and eating salads, and went back for another reading on your 40th birthday. You may have changed your fate. Sometimes, she says, our life lines—or any of the other lines in our palms—can grow branches or helping lines as people age, too.
“Indian culture is one that’s steeped in the religions of Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam, and I respect them greatly, but those folks are largely fatalists,” Fahrusha says, referring to palmistry’s birthplace. “But here in the West, we believe largely that you do have some control over your fate. There may be some things that are fated, but many, many things are more in our own hands, so to say. This is our philosophy.”