Over the past few years, I’ve written around ten stories about meditation. What might happen if you start meditating, an introduction to mindfulness meditation and a guide to chakra meditations, among others. And every time I wrote one of those stories, I would think to myself, I really have to try to get into meditation—this time will be different. And reader, let me tell you, each subsequent time was not different…it was exactly the same. I’d redownload a meditation app, wake up 30 minutes before I needed to and try to quiet my mind. Like clockwork, this would last two maybe three days before I decided meditation just must not be for me.
That was until about a month ago. With the one-year anniversary of the pandemic quickly approaching, my own mental health was on my mind even more than usual, so I made a goal: I will meditate every morning for two weeks. No excuses, no quitting. Read on for the expert tips I leaned on when I felt like giving up, plus five things I learned from meditating every morning—and whether or not I’ve stuck with it.