
Your Monthly Horoscopes: February 2025

Dreamy, flirty and a little delulu

monthly-horoscopes-feb-2025: A photograph of Nicole Kidman drinking a glass of white liquid. There is a lavender astrological border around the photo.

Welcome to your February horoscope! The month of Valentine’s Day begins—in a way that’s almost too on the nose—with some of the year’s most romantic aspects. Venus, exalted in Pisces, meets up with dreamy Neptune and the fated North Node on the 1st. Love is in the air! And yes, it’s a bit aspirational and perhaps very delusional. But isn’t that sweet? Venus then enters Aries on the 4th bringing more heat and initiation to our connections. Also on the 4th, Jupiter ends its retrograde allowing us to pick up some of the hope we lost back in October and move forward with projects again.

Though there’s an impulse to pick up the pace, Mars is still retrograde in Cancer. We’re beyond the peak of it, but the slow, exhausting energy that defined January is still in play. Mars retrograde ends on the 23rd, but the action planet still needs to travel through this same part of the zodiac one more time. Expect more delays and lessons through early May when Mars finally reaches new territory.

It’s also of course Aquarius season. Aquarius gets a bad rap for being “aloof” and “detached,” but the fixed air sign is always observing from a distance. Aquarius knows exactly what’s going on. Mercury meets the sun in Aquarius on the 9th (what astrologers call cazimi, a Latin word that means “in the heart of the sun”) bringing out-of-the-box thinking and clarity around complex ideas. The full moon in Leo on the 12th is another kind of illumination: one that’s dramatic and lets us wear our heart on our sleeve.

There’s also a heightened sense of imagination and idealism throughout the entire month as Neptune and the North Node link up on the 7th, an aspect that comes with both great hope and great disillusionment. Mercury enters Pisces on the 14th shifting our thinking to the dreamy and poetic. Then on the 18th, the sun enters Pisces welcoming us fully into the passionate, sensitive season of the fish. The new moon in Pisces on the 27th brings all this fluidity to a peak, and is ideal for both a good cry and a good nap. 

(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that sign may provide further insight.)

The Energetic Boundaries Your Zodiac Needs for 2025—and How to Set Them

Cheeky illustrations of a girl of color in a purple shirt and overalls with a baby ram over her shoulders. She is smiling and so is the ram. The overall color is purple—purple background, pink ram with purple horns and the girls is wearing a purple shirt. Her hair is in a messy bun.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

  • Full Moon in Leo (2/12): Big romantic gestures! Pure imagination!
  • New Moon in Pisces (2/27): Do not disturb mode
  • Other Key Dates: 2/4, 2/23

The home and family tension that’s defined the past several months for you has reached its climax but you’re still dealing with the emotional fallout. It’s heartbreaking to not be on the same page with loved ones or to leave behind one safety net in search of another. Trust that all this hard emotional work you’re doing is building a stronger foundation. Aquarius season has you busy, running around from event to event, but when Pisces season begins on the 18th, you’re ready to step back and take some much deserved rest. 

Love Horoscope: Love planet Venus enters your sign on the 4th for an extended stay. Though you’re exhausted this month, you’re also magnetic and glowing and lots of people are noticing! The full moon in Leo on the 12th brings romance to a climax as you pin something down or fully let it go.

Money Horoscope: This month marks the beginning of an extended recalibration for your financial life. Though it’s tempting to treat yourself and spend (especially during Pisces season hibernation), it’s wise to be more frugal. As you refine your values, you may realize you don’t need all that stuff anyway.

Cheeky illustration of a young non-binary person petting a bull.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

  • Full Moon in Leo (2/12): Rearrange all of your furniture
  • New Moon in Pisces (2/27): Invitations sent for a community event
  • Other Key Dates: 2/1, 2/4, 2/7

February is a month for you to spend some time off the grid and do behind-the-scenes work. You’ve been giving it your all in your career, close relationships and home life, and now it’s time for some well-deserved rest. Your ruling planet Venus enters your unconscious sector on the 4th and remains there on and off through early June. As much as you want to keep moving, you’re being forced to practice intentional rest. This is a great month to take a quick trip out of town, book that facial you’ve wanted for years or finally get into Sarah J. Maas. Turn your brain off and chill for a while. 

Love Horoscope: Whether single or partnered, you’ve been spending a lot of time recalibrating your routines. If you’re partnered, this might mean figuring out how to spend quality time when you’re both busy. If you’re single, it’s about finding a way to integrate dating back into your life. Trial and error is important as you discover the rhythm.
Money Horoscope: It’s important for you to rest this month, but make sure that doesn’t translate to ordering takeout five nights per week and taking Ubers everywhere. It’s easy to spend without thinking under the current skies so make sure you’re keeping close track of your budget.

Cheeky illustration of identical twins with long dark hair and a statement earrings back-to-back, smirking at each other.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

  • Full Moon in Leo (2/12): Last minute road trip with friends
  • New Moon in Pisces (2/27): Dream job interview
  • Other Key Dates: 2/3, 2/9, 2/10, 2/14, 2/20, 2/23, 2/25, 2/27

February is a month for you to explore. Money is tight right now, but it’s hard to resist when adventure calls. Aquarius season is always your time for goal setting, dreaming and world building, and on the 9th as Mercury meets the sun, you get a major download for your next big project. Then Pisces season (from the 18th) has you stepping into a new leadership role at the office or in your community. Don’t be afraid to take up space. The world needs your wisdom.

Love Horoscope: For a long time now, you’ve been focused more on self-love than on romance and relationships. If you’re partnered, you’ve been taking a lot of space, and if you’re single, you haven’t been too interested in serious dating. Trust that the work you’re doing now will lead you to even more aligned love in the future.

Money Horoscope: Mars is retrograde in your money zone through the 23rd, an influence that can correlate with unplanned expenses and overspending. The new moon in Pisces on the 27th is an opportunity to take control back with your budget.

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Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

  • Full Moon in Leo (2/12): Unexpected expense or windfall
  • New Moon in Pisces (2/27): Make a wish!
  • Other Key Dates: 2/9, 2/23

It’s been a tough start to the year for you, Cancer. Whether you’ve been stuck in bed with a mystery illness, injured after training too hard or just plain old burnt out and exhausted, it’s been hard to find ease in your body and mind. Mars is retrograde in your sign until the 23rd, an influence that turns up the literal and figurative heat making you easily agitated and uncomfortable. Relief comes for you when Pisces season begins on the 18th, and even more after Mars retrograde ends. As you start to feel better, you can start making moves on major goals.

Love Horoscope: Being so low energy over the past few months has put strain on your closest relationships. During Aquarius season (through the 18th) especially, you feel like you have to lean hard on your bestie or partner. On the 9th, an aha moment in therapy or deep conversation with a friend allows you to take the reins back on your own life.

Money Horoscope: If you’ve been struggling with money, the full moon in Leo on the 12th could bring an unexpected windfall. On the other end of the spectrum, if you’ve been all over the place with your spending, this full moon might bring a reality check in the form of an unexpected expense. Plan for a dip so you can enjoy a splurge.

Cheeky illustration of a woman of Asian-descent wearing a sheer coral top with her hair half-up in pigtail puns, the rest down. She is hugging a lion, who is smirking.

Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)

Full Moon in Leo (2/12): Have a good cry

New Moon in Pisces (2/27): Trying out a new therapist

Other Key Dates: 2/9, 2/11, 2/18

You’re not usually lacking in self-assuredness, but February has your head either in the clouds or caught up in other people’s business (and probably a bit of both). The full moon in Leo on the 12th is an opportunity to come back to yourself and your body. As good as that feels, it’s also emotionally overwhelming. When you’ve been caught in a cycle of worrying about the future, it’s a shock to come back to the present. Pisces season (from the 18th) is a time to forgive, make amends and ask the people you love for support. Give yourself the catharsis of a good cry.

Love Horoscope: Aquarius season (through the 18th) is the time of year when you’re most focused on relationships. With Mercury also spending time in your partnership sector, this is a great time to have the hard conversations. If you’re dreading bringing something up, the 9th is a great day for clear and compassionate communication.
Money Horoscope: Your personal finances are in a stable place which means you’re now looking to expand. The new moon in Pisces on the 27th is a perfect time to consider investments, propose a business partnership or take on a freelance gig to grow your income.

Cheeky illustration with a light blue background of a woman wearing a coral shirt coyly poking out from behind her hands.

Virgo (August 23 - September 23)

  • Full Moon in Leo (2/12): Do some shadow work
  • New Moon in Pisces (2/27): Sweet day with lover or bestie
  • Other Key Dates: 2/3, 2/9, 2/10, 2/14, 2/20, 2/23, 2/25, 2/27

Aquarius season is always a very busy time of year for you, and this year it’s especially busy because you’re trying to balance the daily grind with a blooming partnership. For you the next few months will be about how to collaborate and share responsibilities while also being vulnerable with someone else. You’re also in the thick of major changes at work or within your community. The people who you thought were on your team may not have your best interests in mind. It’s time to figure out who your real friends are.

Love Horoscope: Venus meets dreamy Neptune and the fated North Node in your relationship zone on the 1st finding you in either the honeymoon phase or the throes of disillusionment. To bookend the month, the new moon in Pisces on the 27th provides a more grounded fresh start for love.

Money Horoscope: Venus enters Aries and your shared resources sector on the 4th. No matter what your current income source, this influence challenges you to get creative with your earnings. What’s a non traditional way to expand your cash flow?

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Libra (September 23 - October 21)

  • Full Moon in Leo (2/12): Wild night out with friends
  • New Moon in Pisces (2/27): A day to set intentional routines
  • Other Key Dates: 2/1, 2/4, 2/7

Love is in the air for you this month, Libra, but not in the way you might expect. Your ruling planet Venus enters your relationship zone on the 4th for an extended stay. From now through April, you’re going to be very focused on love and how partnership fits into your daily routines. You’re also getting a big reality check at work or with your health. What you thought was a solution might actually be dragging you down. Pisces season (from the 18th) is a time for you to focus on ease and sustainability in your daily life.

Love Horoscope: Aquarius season is the most romantic time of year for you. Expect a sweet note on the 9th from a friend or lover. Though now might not be the time to skip town, part of what you’re calling in right now is someone who wants to go on more adventures together.

Money Horoscope: You’ve been incredibly burned out for the past few months. Though it’s felt antithetical to take time off work, this month you’re finally figuring out a less exhausting approach to supporting yourself. Learning how to delegate brings you more abundant resources.

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Scorpio (October 22 - November 21)

  • Full Moon in Leo (2/12): The spotlight is on you!
  • New Moon in Pisces (2/27): Cute first-date vibes
  • Other Key Dates: 2/23

It’s hard work to go all in for a big dream. On some days you break through a challenge, get a “yes,” and feel accomplished. On other days, you’re facing roadblocks and rejection and wondering why you’re even trying. Aquarius season has you deep in this foundational work and feeling isolated as you keep some of the struggle private. Once Pisces season begins on the 18th though, you’re able to lighten up and incorporate more fun. Even more relief arrives when Mars stations direct on the 23rd providing a big release for emotional frustration.

Love Horoscope: As February begins, you’re ready to throw it all away for a crush! I know you’re future tripping after one good date. Before diving head first, take some time to ground yourself in your own life and routines. The new moon in Pisces on the 27th offers a more solid base for romance.

Money Horoscope: Last summer brought some exciting new opportunities for your investments and shared resources that you had to put on the backburner in October. Jupiter stations direct on the 4th allowing you to get back to those projects. Consider who might be a good collaborator for building wealth.

Cheeky illustration of a Black woman with purple hair on an orange background. She's in a wearing jean jacket, with a quiver strapped across her back and arrows sticking out.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

  • Full Moon in Leo (2/12): Adventure awaits!
  • New Moon in Pisces (2/27): Long-awaited housewarming party
  • Other Key Dates: 2/3, 2/4, 2/20

It’s hard for you to reckon with where you want to be and where you are right now. You can’t get ahead until you stabilize your foundations. The bright spot amidst the rest of the struggle has been your relationships. Whether you’re single or partnered. Your ruling planet Jupiter remains in your commitment sector until June, and this month you receive yet another surge of growth in this area. Power dynamics are never easy to navigate, but don’t let that be a reason to reject mutual care.

Love Horoscope: Venus enters Aries and your romance sector on the 4th for an extended stay due to an upcoming retrograde. Through April, you’re going to be reckoning with how to make romance and joy a part of your foundation. Whoever you’re meeting now is part of that journey, but remember: that doesn’t mean they’re meant to be a permanent fixture in your life.

Money Horoscope: The ongoing Mars retrograde period (since December 6) has been tumultuous for your finances. The past few months have come with some unexpected expenses. Are you being too hard on yourself about falling behind on savings and investment goals? Mars stations direct on the 23rd allowing you to pause, assess and move forward from there.

A cheeky image of a woman of color with dark hair holding a pink goat by the horns. The background is pink and her shirt is darker pink.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

  • Full Moon in Leo (2/12): A cathartic therapy session
  • New Moon in Pisces (2/27): Cute bar opens in your neighborhood
  • Other Key Dates: 2/9, 2/25

Despite some setbacks, morale is high for you this month. Yes, your neighbors are loud, but at least you have a cozy couch and some beautiful new wall art. Sure, your boss is annoying, but at least you can spend most of the day at work scrolling YouTube and applying for new jobs. You’re someone who always wants to be hustling and doing more, but it’s important to let yourself enjoy life’s current spaciousness. You’ll miss this ease when things get busy again.

Love Horoscope: Conflict planet Mars is retrograde in your relationship sector meaning that yes, your ex is back in your DMs, and yes, they’re also picking a fight. Though it’s tempting to engage with their drama, try to keep the peace. Connections will likely feel heated and strained for you through the spring so channel that loving energy into yourself.

Money Horoscope: Watch out for some good financial news around the 9th when Mercury meets the sun in your money zone. This could bring a long-awaited grant or loan, an opportunity to renegotiate with a client, or a window to ask for a raise. Remember: you won’t receive it if you don't request it.

How Capricorn Are You Really (on a Scale from “Goat” to “Check Your Birth Certificate”)?

Cheeky image of a Black woman with blue hair on a light blue background. She's holding blue water in her palms, which is bubbling up and taking shape as her hair.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

  • Full Moon in Leo (2/12): Public displays of affection!
  • New Moon in Pisces (2/27): When a budgeting app changes your life
  • Other Key Dates: 2/9, 2/25

It’s still your season, Aquarius! And this year you have both the sun and communication planet Mercury bringing power to your sign. You prefer the sidelines to the spotlight but if you plan your birthday party for the 9th, you might find yourself up on a table making a speech. Your words have massive power this month so choose them wisely. So many people seek you out for your calm and wisdom, but you’re learning that not everyone has earned your insight. It’s OK to keep some of that brilliance to yourself.

Love Horoscope: The full moon in Leo on the 12th lights up your partnership sector bringing a breakthrough moment in a close relationship. If you’ve been craving more romance and pleasure in your life, now’s the time to connect with those who let you have fun.

Money Horoscope: It’s not that you're bad with money, but for many years now, you’ve had such a hard time staying within your means. This month brings a harsh reality check around your spending to get you back on track once and for all.

So This Is Why the Aquarius Personality Is So Rare

Cheeky illustration of a gender-fluid white person with short-cropped orange hair. They're wearing a light blue halter top as two bright pink koi fish circle their head.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

  • Full Moon in Leo (2/12): Coworker drama!
  • New Moon in Pisces (2/27): New moon, new you!
  • Other Key Dates: 2/1, 2/3, 2/4, 2/7, 2/14, 2/18, 2/25

Goals for February are 1) make your home into a sanctuary and 2) identify the people in your life who truly lift you up. For a long time (and maybe your whole life), you’ve fallen into patterns of over giving to friends, family and lovers. But who are the people you can truly relax around? Who’s the friend who makes you so comfortable you can fall asleep on her couch? Lean into those connections and walk away from the ones that drain you. Time to break the habit.

Love Horoscope: Mars is still retrograde in your romance sector and you may be experiencing what astrologer Austin Coppock calls the “duderang,” when ex-partners, forgotten hookups and men (general) find their way back into your life. Though it’s validating to get hit up by a blast from the past, launch them back into the abyss before getting too involved.

Money Horoscope: Venus enters Aries and your money sector on the 4th for an extended stay. From now through April, you’re going to be recalibrating your needs, wants and values. Many of your impulse buys this month will be returned later so try to spend mindfully.

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  • Astrologer and writer of PureWow's weekly and monthly horoscopes
  • Consulting astrologer based in Brooklyn
  • Host of the "Good Fortunes" podcast