Welcome to your February horoscope! The month of Valentine’s Day begins—in a way that’s almost too on the nose—with some of the year’s most romantic aspects. Venus, exalted in Pisces, meets up with dreamy Neptune and the fated North Node on the 1st. Love is in the air! And yes, it’s a bit aspirational and perhaps very delusional. But isn’t that sweet? Venus then enters Aries on the 4th bringing more heat and initiation to our connections. Also on the 4th, Jupiter ends its retrograde allowing us to pick up some of the hope we lost back in October and move forward with projects again.
Though there’s an impulse to pick up the pace, Mars is still retrograde in Cancer. We’re beyond the peak of it, but the slow, exhausting energy that defined January is still in play. Mars retrograde ends on the 23rd, but the action planet still needs to travel through this same part of the zodiac one more time. Expect more delays and lessons through early May when Mars finally reaches new territory.
It’s also of course Aquarius season. Aquarius gets a bad rap for being “aloof” and “detached,” but the fixed air sign is always observing from a distance. Aquarius knows exactly what’s going on. Mercury meets the sun in Aquarius on the 9th (what astrologers call cazimi, a Latin word that means “in the heart of the sun”) bringing out-of-the-box thinking and clarity around complex ideas. The full moon in Leo on the 12th is another kind of illumination: one that’s dramatic and lets us wear our heart on our sleeve.
There’s also a heightened sense of imagination and idealism throughout the entire month as Neptune and the North Node link up on the 7th, an aspect that comes with both great hope and great disillusionment. Mercury enters Pisces on the 14th shifting our thinking to the dreamy and poetic. Then on the 18th, the sun enters Pisces welcoming us fully into the passionate, sensitive season of the fish. The new moon in Pisces on the 27th brings all this fluidity to a peak, and is ideal for both a good cry and a good nap.