January is a time when everyone feels the pressure to hit the reset button. How many Reels have you seen with New Year’s Reset journaling prompts? How many vision board parties have you been invited to? As an astrologer, I usually see tons of clients this time of year. Everyone is looking for guidance as they set intentions, and I feel that it’s my duty to be of service during this time. But this year, for the first time since 2020, I decided to take a break. The year didn’t begin with a marathon of readings for me, and instead started with some quiet contemplation. I wanted to finally set better energetic boundaries in my work and my personal life going into a new year, and I used astrology to guide me. How did I do this? Let’s get into how I did it, and how you can identify your own energetic limits
You can find pretty much any part of a person’s life in a birth chart from their appearance to their health to their chances of winning the lotto. You can also use a birth chart to set better boundaries. The part of the chart that deals with power dynamics, shared resources, debts, and investments is the eighth house. Though some associate this part of the chart with its financial implications—and I will say, most accountants and financial advisors I’ve read for have placements in this house— it speaks to our emotional investments and limits as well.
My eighth house is Taurus, the fertile fixed earth sign ruled by Venus. Taurus might be the most fixed of all the fixed signs, like a bull lying out to pasture. For this reason, it’s very easy for me to get stuck in all kinds of emotional and financial dynamics that aren’t serving me. I crave structure and stability in my close relationships and collaborations, but also am inclined to let them go sour long past their expiration date.
As I set my energetic boundaries for 2025, I decided that the comfort and stability I crave need to start with me. To set a new baseline, I’m creating stronger routines. In the past, especially when beginning the year taking a ton of clients, I’ve let other people define my schedule. This year, I’m leaning into slow mornings. I’m taking time with my skincare and getting dressed. I’m trying so many new recipes. All things that Taurus loves. I’m already finding that it’s easier to say no to draining acquaintances, thankless favors and unnecessary extra assignments. All because I’m taking a little extra time to treat myself.