Most life stories hit a major turning point around age 29. Some call this getting real, some call it turning 30, but for the astrologically inclined, this is the Saturn Return. Saturn Returns—when Saturn reaches the same degree it was at the moment you were born, usually every 29.5 years—are times of increased responsibility, job burnout, relationship upheavals, and milestone accomplishments. The Saturn Return is the end of youth and the start of true adulthood. Though Saturn Returns used to be inside baseball amongst astro nerds, the transit has made its way into pop astrology, and even pop culture with a feature on Ariana Grande and Kacey Musgraves’ latest albums. There are more people in the know about their Saturn Return than ever before, but can anyone really prepare for this cosmic rite of passage? IMO, there’s no one size fits all survival guide. I’m an astrologer, and I wasn't even ready for mine.
The Saturn Return looms heavy but it’s hard to describe until you experience it. The transit typically lasts three years, while Saturn is in the same sign it was when you were born. Though Saturnian vibes (think: limits, responsibility, boundaries) are present for all three years, the return culminates over a few weeks or months when Saturn reaches the exact degree as in your birth chart. (You can track the dates of your Saturn Return here.)

I failed to anticipate what a Saturn Return really is— when everything you’ve been avoiding finally catches up to you.