In case you're unfamiliar with the plot, the movie follows Barbie's quest to find her true purpose as she leaves Barbieland to explore the real world. The star-studded cast includes Margot Robbie, Ryan Gosling, America Ferrera, Kate McKinnon, Issa Rae, Dua Lipa and Will Ferrell.
In the comments, countless fans praised the film and showed their support for Yousafzai, noting her impact. One follower said, "Slaaaayyyy! This Barbie fought hard so little girls can have access to education!!! My 2-year-old daughter loves your story, Malala!!!" Another wrote, "This Barbie helped me value my access to education even more!!"
It comes as no surprise that Yousafzai is a fan of the film, given its strong feminist message. In an interview with ABC News, Robbie explained, “I think some people hear the word ‘feminist’ and think that means it doesn't mean men…And I’m like, anyone who believes that men and women should be equal is feminist.”
She continued, “If you look at Barbieland from the beginning…the Barbies are on top and the Kens are kinda disregarded…that’s not equal. So, whatever the opposite of misogynist is, is actually what Barbie is. Toward the end when they balance things out..then it might be feminist. But actually, it's like, beyond feminist. Because then the power dynamic is in the favor of the Barbies to begin with.”
*Cue Aqua's "Barbie Girl"*
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