Group texts are kind of the worst. But when it comes to parenting, having a small and open-minded sounding board can be a lifesaver for issues ranging from potty training to mask reccos to playground etiquette.
My own group text chain (there are six of us) took a turn when COVID-19 hit. We were all in different places, going through different things, and we all updated each other constantly. When one of my friends experienced a double job loss and subsequent international move to find work, she’d turn to the text chain. When another friend was navigating a developmental challenge that required a lot of PT during the pandemic, we were there whenever she needed to vent.
That’s when I noticed this thoughtful (and validating) response from one of my fellow moms: This is so hard.
It was just four simple words, but the second she expressed them to my friend who was navigating a parenting low point, they felt spot-on—exactly the right thing to say to someone going through a difficult time.