It was just the invite I needed: 24 hours away with a dear friend whose company I treasure. We both had our first babies at the same time, navigated the bumps of new parenthood at the same time and watched our post-kids availability dwindle at the same time.
Motherhood is hard, right? The sacrifices are real. But here’s what I didn’t know going into the weekend, ahead of our jaunt to the Connecticut countryside for peace, quiet and, OK, a glass or two of wine. I actually don’t need a full itinerary of spa treatments and dinner reservations for a quality catch-up with my pal.
It’s more simple than that: We just need time together in the car.
Don’t get me wrong, it helps if it’s a nice car. (We were fortunate to drive the 2023 Lincoln Corsair, which is a literal sanctuary on the road in SUV form.) But my realization that car time is the new quality time—and an easy rule or requisite for maintaining a natural mom friendship—hit me the minute I waved goodbye to my five-year-old and dialed my friend to say I was en route: We’re our most authentic selves on the road.