Traditionally, we only used concealer to cover up things like dark circles or blemishes. But according to this popular tip that's floating around TikTok, we're not using it to its maximum potential. By adding concealer strategically to a few key areas, it can have a lifting effect on your entire face. Don't believe us? Take a look for yourself below.
TikTok Taught Me How to Lift My Entire Face Using Just Concealer
OK, first let's start with the video itself, so we know what we're working with. Also, take a moment now to gather your tools, which in this case, is your concealer of choice (for reference, I went with a shade that's just a touch lighter than my skin tone) and a makeup sponge for blending.
Your tool kit: Rare Beauty by Selena Gomez Liquid Touch Brightening Concealer ($19); Beautyblender Original Makeup Sponge ($20)

Alright, step one: Apply concealer just along the outer corners of your eyes at a slightly upward angle. (For comparison's sake, I'm going to try this on one side of my face only.)

Next, add concealer to the outer corners of your mouth in a similar shape and upward slant as you applied it to your eyes in step one.

Then, add a dab of concealer to the inner corners of your eyes, just underneath the middle of your eyes, along the sides of your nostrils, and finally, a small swipe underneath your cheekbones.

Blend, blend and blend some more before adding any blush or eye makeup as you normally would.
Right, so the difference is very subtle, but undeniable (especially when you're looking at yourself in the mirror, as opposed to, taking a selfie in your bedroom). As my awkward finger pointing suggests, the right side of my face (where I applied the concealer) is slightly lifted.

Whereas the left side of my face (which has no concealer on it) is less so.

Here's another look without my awkward gesturing in the way. Left side shows no concealer (just false eyelashes, for full transparency) and the right side features the concealer hack (and a touch of blush and light brown eyeshadow to complete the look).
I don't know about you guys, but with all of the virtual calls and meetings taking place this year, I have never been so aware of my face as I have in 2020. To be honest, it's a bit tiring and it can make me hypercritical of things that I probably wouldn't notice as much if I wasn't seeing my face staring blankly back at me through a screen several times a day. Alas, it's the world we live in now, so if there is an easy makeup trick I can use to my advantage, then why not try it?