You walk out of the office bathroom and you probably hit up the hand sanitizer that’s just outside the door, right? Heck, you might even keep a little bottle at your desk—or in your purse, and you’re certainly not alone. Many of us live and die by the stuff this time of year because must. Not. Catch. Colleague’s. Cold.
However, if you’ve noticed that your hands are particularly dry lately, this might be the culprit.
Most conventional sanitizers have drying ingredients (i.e., alcohol) in them, which can strip your hands of moisture and—with repeated use—cause your cuticles to crack or split. Luckily, there are gentler alternatives out there that contain soothing ingredients like aloe so you can disinfect while also hydrating skin. (We’ve become best buds with this bird-shaped sanitizing spray from Olika that also has built-in wipes underneath to clean surfaces.) See you never, dry hands and germs.