Just when we all thought this year couldn’t get any crazier, this week’s cosmic forecast indicates that it sure as hell can! Throughout the week, the sun—our life force—makes harsh aspects to expansive Jupiter, aggressive Mars retrograde and life-changing Pluto which has our moods all over the place from extreme confidence to completely rundown. Taking on more responsibility seems necessary right now, but it’s important not to bite off more than we can chew.
To add to the mix, communication planet, Mercury, stations retrograde in secretive Scorpio on the 13th—both Miley Cyrus and Hillary Clinton were born with this Mercury placement. Queens of remaining private and knowing when to speak their minds! Beyond all the usual tech glitches, leaky faucets and texts from unknown numbers, this retrograde has us feeling extra suspicious. As much as we might want to compulsively gossip or check the facts, a story that began around September 24th won’t be clear to us until at least mid-November. Let’s be patient.
The week’s saving grace comes on the 16th with a new moon in Libra—our sophisticated, stylish and justice-oriented air sign. This lunation offers a moment for us to find our balance amidst the chaos. Sometimes making a choice is what sets us free.
(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that will provide further insight.)