
Your Weekly Horoscopes: October 11 to 17, 2020

Just when we all thought this year couldn’t get any crazier, this week’s cosmic forecast indicates that it sure as hell can! Throughout the week, the sun—our life force—makes harsh aspects to expansive Jupiter, aggressive Mars retrograde and life-changing Pluto which has our moods all over the place from extreme confidence to completely rundown. Taking on more responsibility seems necessary right now, but it’s important not to bite off more than we can chew.

To add to the mix, communication planet, Mercury, stations retrograde in secretive Scorpio on the 13th—both Miley Cyrus and Hillary Clinton were born with this Mercury placement. Queens of remaining private and knowing when to speak their minds! Beyond all the usual tech glitches, leaky faucets and texts from unknown numbers, this retrograde has us feeling extra suspicious. As much as we might want to compulsively gossip or check the facts, a story that began around September 24th won’t be clear to us until at least mid-November. Let’s be patient.

The week’s saving grace comes on the 16th with a new moon in Libra—our sophisticated, stylish and justice-oriented air sign. This lunation offers a moment for us to find our balance amidst the chaos. Sometimes making a choice is what sets us free.

(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that will provide further insight.)

6 libra

A conflict that you’ve been avoiding since this summer explodes on the 13th, and you’re forced to make a decision or take a stand. It’s also possible that this argument isn’t worth your time. Not everyone deserves to see your dark side. The new moon on the 16th is in your sign and though you’re still dealing with stress or pressure at home or with your family, you finally understand that the only way to solve this problem is to focus on yourself. Cancel the Zoom catch-up with a needy friend, draw a bubble bath and do what you have to do.

This week’s mantra: The only way out is you.

7 scorpio

Though you’re still caught in the muck of daily pressures and scheduling snafus, with Mercury in your sign this month, you’ve felt like at least you have a voice. But when the communication planet goes retrograde on the 13th, you realize that you haven’t been as in control as you thought you were. This week is an exercise in trusting the universe and being OK with not knowing what’s next. The new moon on the 16th falls in your unconscious sector and whether it brings a new romance or a fresh job prospect, don’t push fate. Let the story unfold how it’s meant to unfold.

This week’s mantra: Let the universe work for you.

8 sagittarius

What resources do you need to build a more solid foundation? An idea that you had in February and revisited in July comes back around with a new twist on the 12th. You like everything to happen in a rush, but you’re learning this year that true growth takes time. Though this plan now feels solid, Mercury retrograde in your unconscious sector starting on the 13th means that your usual support systems are unavailable. Use the new moon on the 16th to make connections. You never know what random coworker, pleasant acquaintance or Twitter follower might have a solution.

This week’s mantra: Focus on the foundation.


Listen, Capricorn: It’s time to be your own hero. The new moon on the 16th offers a sweet new beginning for your career. Whether it’s a friend sending you a listing for a dream job, recognition from your boss or handling that nerve-wracking Zoom conference with confidence, you’re feeling in control of your next steps. Maybe your parents still wish you would go back to grad school. Or your boyfriend keeps projecting his own career woes onto you. This isn’t about them though. It’s about what’s best for you. Seek advice from those who understand your path.

This week’s mantra: It’s time to go your own way.

10 aquarius

If you’ve grown complacent with your role at work, things get shaken up this week. Mercury retrograde begins on the 13th, and for the next few weeks, you’re going to be reconnecting with old coworkers, revising projects and reviewing your own professional goals. You feel accomplished, but how have you been avoiding growth? The new moon on the 16th is an opportunity for you to indulge your dreams. What do you want to learn? Maybe it isn’t so corny to sign up for that SEO workshop or workplace ethics course. How can you gain more knowledge to do more good?

This week’s mantra: There’s always more you can do.

11 pisces

You’ve done so much work to improve the quality of your friendships. You want to be around people who accept you not only when you’re rushing to everyone’s aid but when you’re being your true, freaky self. On the 12th, a community-building idea that you hatched back in February—and then abandoned in July—boomerangs back to you. It’s actually possible now. The new moon on the 16th is also an opportunity to reflect on shared resources. What projects are worth taking a financial risk? And who’s around to pick up the tab?

This week’s mantra: Invest in community.

12 aries

This could be difficult to hear, Aries, but this week, you should let someone else win. The second half of this year has been so defined by your struggle to feel seen, heard and respected at work and how that has affected your relationships in your family and with your partner. But this week, especially around the 13th, it’s time to learn the art of compromise. The new moon on the 16th could also be a wonderful moment to begin a relationship or business alliance. Who makes you feel brand new?

This week’s mantra: It’s not always your turn.

1 taurus

Despite all of the chaos in the world, this week you are feeling loved. On the 12th, your partner finally clears up a miscommunication with an apology and a sweet gesture. And though Mercury stations retrograde the next day which might make a financial deal or creative project harder to access, you can be confident that you have support. If you’ve been craving a jumpstart to productivity or better routines, the new moon on the 16th is a chance to refresh your daily grind. When you have a plan, you can handle even the toughest situation with calm and ease.

This week’s mantra: Before you fight, make a plan.

2 gemini

You want to let everyone in on the secret but with your ruling planet, Mercury, stationing retrograde on the 13th, you might want to keep most of the details to yourself. The next few weeks for you are going to be about revising your routines and generally slogging through the daily grind. The new moon on the 16th though is a chance to tap into some fresh creativity or ignite a romance. Though there’s so much work to do, think of this like a cosmic cheat day and bottle some of this pleasure to get you through the rest of the month.

This week’s mantra: No matter what, you can get through the day.

3 cancer

Though this week is bound to be intense, with Mercury retrograde beginning on the 13th, you’re actually being given a gift from the universe to revisit a romance or creative project from the past. You’ve done so much work to get your life together over the past few years and now it’s time to do something joyful just for yourself. An abandoned writing project or text-based fling could be especially successful right now. Then the new moon on the 16th is a chance for you to refresh your home. What you need should always be within reach.

This week’s mantra: Lean into creativity.

4 leo

All you want is to be recognized. But this week, your big dreams are put aside yet again when you have to handle a bunch of admin. It seems like half your life is spent at the DMV or the vet. You can’t even sit to catch up on podcasts or your reading list without your sister calling to vent about her latest drama. The new moon on the 16th is an opportunity to reclaim comfort in your immediate environment. Grab your meditation pillow, yoga mat and matcha latte and have them on hand for any quick breaks between all the errands. You can make it work.

This week’s mantra: Find stillness where you can.

5 virgo

Just when you thought things were running smoothly, Mercury—your ruling planet—stations retrograde on the 13th throwing your schedules, communications and WFH space into chaos. The next few weeks are going to be about learning to adapt to yet another new normal without breaking the bank. Whether it’s setting up new homeschool tech for your kids or clearing your schedule so you can tackle your inbox, you have to take a few steps backward to go forward again. The new moon on the 16th is the perfect time to reflect on your finances. What lines need to be added to your budget?

This week’s mantra: The answer is buried in your inbox.

Jaime Wright is an astrologer based in New York. You can follow her on Instagram @jaimeallycewright or subscribe to her newsletter.

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  • Astrologer and writer of PureWow's weekly and monthly horoscopes
  • Consulting astrologer based in Brooklyn
  • Host of the "Good Fortunes" podcast