
Your Weekly Horoscopes: November 14 to 20, 2021

The much-anticipated lunar eclipse in Taurus (a supercharged full moon) arrives on the 19th. Eclipses bring resolutions, endings and catharsis, often speeding up time. Want to leave your job? Eclipses reveal an exit strategy. Want to fast-track your relationship? Eclipses let you know who the person you’re dating really is. Want to create more space in your house? Eclipses get that excess furniture out on the curb.

Happening in the luxurious and gluttonous sign of Taurus, this eclipse asks, “What feeds you?” If something leaves you hungry, then it must go. This lunation will be felt most by the fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. Both Queen Elizabeth (Taurus) and Prince Charles (Scorpio) are implicated, so watch out for some dramatic developments in the royal family!

(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that sign too will provide further insight.)

12 aries

The lunar eclipse on the 19th falls in your money sector and brings a boost to your income or investments. You could also receive an unexpected gift, like that gorgeous Dutch oven you’ve been pining for since early quarantine. Your long-term goal is to boost your cash glow and get creative with how you’re earning. But this week, accept the bounty that comes your way and be more generous with what you already have. What you share finds its way back to you.

This week’s mantra: Abundance keeps moving.

1 taurus

This week’s tumultuous lunar eclipse on the 19th falls in your sign and what’s being shaken up is very personal. Something is changing about your appearance. Whether it’s a necessary wardrobe update for a new job, a revised skincare routine for the extra fine lines or the discovery of some additional grey hairs, this isn’t the time to hide who you really are. This is about leveling up and learning to age with grace. Make your presence known.

This week’s mantra: Beauty is maintenance.

2 gemini

If there was ever a good time to go off the grid, the lunar eclipse on the 19th is it. Falling in your unconscious sector, this lunation reminds you that not everything is under your control. You can’t take your daughter’s SATs for her, she must do it herself. Grab a cup of coffee and sit, sip and stare. If you let yourself fully unplug, Mercury’s energizing connection with Jupiter on the 20th allows you jump back into a project with a lighter perspective.

This week’s mantra: Let it go.

3 cancer

Because you’re ruled by the moon, you’re extra sensitive to the turbulence of the lunar eclipse on the 19th. Your friend group is facing a major shakeup and you’re wondering if you ever had a community. It’s painful to admit, but you don’t have anything in common with those people anymore. This is an ideal time to get involved with groups who do share your interests. You’re on the precipice of a whole new social world.

This week’s mantra: Make new friends.

4 leo

Everyone wants a piece of you this week, Leo. The lunar eclipse on the 19th raises your public profile and though you’ve long wanted this kind of recognition, that doesn’t make it any less overwhelming. Luckily, the tensions that you were feeling at home are resolving. Last week’s fights bring this week’s glorious makeup sex. The more you lean into your sturdy systems of support, the more you can actualize your larger purpose. Let what’s solid give you strength.

This week’s mantra: Recognition is only the beginning.

5 virgo

Trouble is brewing with your in-laws this week as the lunar eclipse on the 19th stirs up some drama. Your hubby, who is usually so cool and collected, can no longer handle his family’s relentless demands for the upcoming holidays. Your in-laws didn’t even send you Christmas gifts last year, why would you get on a plane to see them when flight costs are astronomical? Now’s the time to step in as the mediator you’d like to see in the world. No one delivers a reality check quite like you do.

This week’s mantra: “I can handle this.”

6 libra

This week’s lunar eclipse on the 19th falls in your shared resources sector and brings some unexpected news re: who’s on your team for the long haul. Whether it’s an upended freelance project or an unexpected financial proposal from your boyfriend, you’re learning who you can actually rely on. If a relationship is ending, it feels devastating now, but later you may realize that you dodged a bullet. Call in your favors and think carefully before agreeing to any more debt.

This week’s mantra: When people tell you who they are, believe them.

7 scorpio

November has been a breakup season for you, Scorpio. Though you may still be mourning the loss of what you hoped would be a forever partner, the lunar eclipse on the 19th reminds you that ending one relationship leaves your heart open to so many other possibilities. An unexpected connection with a hot stranger at a party is just what the doctor ordered. Leave the wallowing for next week.

This week’s mantra: At this point, there’s more to gain than there is to lose.

8 sagittarius

The lunar eclipse on the 19th sends shockwaves to your daily grind sector. Something about how you handle your day to day needs major change. Now’s the moment to make your doctor’s appointments, handle any pending life admin and stock up on bulk groceries for the winter. Then on the 20th, Mercury squares off with Jupiter, bringing what felt like a faraway dream into your immediate reality. With everything in its right place, you’re prepared to take a risk.

This week’s mantra: Success needs room to land.


No matter their age, your kids are constantly surprising you. The lunar eclipse on the 19th brings sudden shifts for them and also for you. Give them space to take their next big step, even if they stumble along the way. Whether it’s the first preschool drop-off or the stress of college applications, allowing them more freedom gives you time to explore the hobbies you left on the backburner. Take back your free time.

This week’s mantra: Love is freedom.

10 aquarius

As much as you’d like to settle down, the universe has other things in store for you. The new moon in Scorpio on the 4th brought exciting prospects for your career and this week’s lunar eclipse brings unexpected shifts at home. You weren’t looking for a new living situation, but on the 19th, your dream home finds you. This abode might be in a nicer neighborhood, closer to family or just have that farmhouse sink you’ve always wanted. Explore the option. Otherwise, you’ll always wonder, “what if?”

This week’s mantra: Don’t shut the door on a dream.

11 pisces

The lunar eclipse on the 19th falls in the part of your chart that signifies your neighborhood, your close friends and also, your car! Where you’re going and how you’re getting there is in for some shake ups this week. Is it time to level up and get the electric car of your dreams? Or that compact SUV with better gas mileage and leather seats? You deserve to feel like royalty as you get around town.

This week’s mantra: One small change could change everything.

Jaime Wright is an astrologer based in New York. You can subscribe to her newsletter for more musings on the stars.

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  • Astrologer and writer of PureWow's weekly and monthly horoscopes
  • Consulting astrologer based in Brooklyn
  • Host of the "Good Fortunes" podcast