
Your Weekly Horoscopes: January 12 to 18, 2025

Siri, play “Emo Forever Playlist”

weekly-horoscopes-jan-12-universal: A photo of Avril Lavigne in a white and green shirt. There is a white border with green lettering around it spelling out the words 2025.
picture alliance/Getty Images

Though the Capricorn season PR team may be pushing resolutions and project management to the top of the feed, this is a week when all of us are much more in our feels. Peak emo arrives at the full moon in Cancer on the 13th. But this week also has another intense culmination. The climax of the Mars retrograde cycle comes on the 15th as the sun faces off with Mars. Watch out for frustrations and conflicts that began back in October to come to a boiling point.

Though energy and emotions are at a high, there’s also a call to ease into solutions as Mars retrograde trines dreamy Neptune on the 12th. The sun (our life force) connects with Uranus on the 13th and Neptune on the 17th encouraging both outside-the-box thinking and a more flexible approach to our goals.

Ultra romantic Venus in Pisces also makes some moves this week, squaring off with expansive Jupiter on the 14th before colliding with reality-check Saturn on the 18th. Though fleeting connections might feel tempting, this week’s astrology points to the real romance coming from mutual effort and commitment.

(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that sign too will provide further insight.)

Cheeky illustrations of a girl of color in a purple shirt and overalls with a baby ram over her shoulders. She is smiling and so is the ram. The overall color is purple—purple background, pink ram with purple horns and the girls is wearing a purple shirt. Her hair is in a messy bun.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

The full moon in Cancer on the 13th highlights the home and family drama that has steered your decisions for months now. As much as you’re trying to break away from these foundations and get ahead, are you still allowing this pain to define you? Lean into healing and self-compassion this week through journaling, meditation or a long sound bath to clear your head.

This week’s mantra: “Compassion.”

Cheeky illustration of a young non-binary person petting a bull.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Your compass is set to true north. More than most right now, you know exactly where you’re headed. The issue is that all these little day-to-day things keep holding you back from truly expanding into your next adventure. What if you saw these not as setbacks but as opportunities to take better care of yourself? If you keep going through the motions, the rest will follow.

This week’s mantra: Ritual.”

Cheeky illustration of identical twins with long dark hair and a statement earrings back-to-back, smirking at each other.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

This week’s full moon in Cancer on the 13th puts a spotlight on your spending habits. As you get back into a regular routine, you’re realizing that freedom is often quite expensive. But that doesn’t mean you have to give up your dreams for stability. Instead of making yourself smaller, consider how you can expand to meet your true needs.

This week’s mantra: “Open.”

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Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

The full moon in Cancer on the 13th puts a spotlight on your health, image and identity. The last few months have been challenging for you, especially health-wise, but you’ve also gained the courage to advocate for and express yourself. If you’ve felt strain in your relationships, this full moon also offers an opportunity for forgiveness and repair. You don’t have to be perfect, just willing to meet others where they are.

This week’s mantra: “Rise.”

Cheeky illustration of a woman of Asian-descent wearing a sheer coral top with her hair half-up in pigtail puns, the rest down. She is hugging a lion, who is smirking.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

No way to sugarcoat it, this week’s full moon in Cancer on the 13th is tough for you, Leo. You’ve been experiencing what some call “ego death,” but really it’s just: burnout. You’ve been pushing so hard, and the only thing left to try is letting go. You don’t want to let go, but this full moon forces you to surrender. It’s time to try a different—and softer—approach.

This week’s mantra: “Release.”

Cheeky illustration with a light blue background of a woman wearing a coral shirt coyly poking out from behind her hands.

Virgo (August 23 - September 23)

The full moon in Cancer on the 13th highlights the ongoing conflict between what you want to do and what you feel is expected of you. It’s not that you don’t love your friends, community and audience, it’s that you just want to follow your own bliss for once. Instead of showing up to someone else’s party feeling resentful (again), make a quick appearance and then do your own thing.

This week’s mantra: “Desire.”

680x400 Libra@2x

Libra (September 23 - October 21)

Coming into your purpose requires constant maintenance. The full moon in Cancer on the 13th highlights recent highs and lows you’ve experienced in your career. You’re stepping into one thing as you step out of another, and what’s frustrating is that you still feel burned out doing more aligned work. The point isn’t to do a new thing in the old way. Fuel your expansion through healthier choices.

This week’s mantra: “Maintain.”

680x400 Scorpio@2x

Scorpio (October 22 - November 21)

What’s the point of playing it safe if it’s forcing you to stay small? There’s a loud call for you to put yourself out there and expand, and the full moon in Cancer on the 13th makes that message louder and clearer. What if you trusted that you already have the tools you need? Your vision requires practice, not starting from scratch.

This week’s mantra: “Launch.”

Cheeky illustration of a Black woman with purple hair on an orange background. She's in a wearing jean jacket, with a quiver strapped across her back and arrows sticking out.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

The full moon in Cancer on the 13th highlights what you’ve gained and what you’ve lost over the past several months. Debts, investments and power dynamics have been challenging for you, and this full moon brings catharsis in the form of letting go. Beautiful things are happening at home and in your closest partnerships. Don’t let stress fog up the window to joy.

This week’s mantra: “Open.”

A cheeky image of a woman of color with dark hair holding a pink goat by the horns. The background is pink and her shirt is darker pink.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

The full moon in Cancer on the 13th highlights the highs and lows you’ve experienced in your closest relationships over the past several months. Conflict that was brewing back in October reaches its climax here. Whether you’re meant to deepen this connection or walk away for good, trust that what’s coming next is much more clarity around commitment.

This week’s mantra: “Face-off.”

Cheeky image of a Black woman with blue hair on a light blue background. She's holding blue water in her palms, which is bubbling up and taking shape as her hair.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

This week’s full moon in Cancer on the 13th is an overwhelming and busy day for you, Aquarius. Whether you’re starting a new job, in the midst of marathon training or rushing to the vet, life comes at you fast this week. Instead of forcing yourself to do it all, try to find more balance between action and rest. Amidst the chaos is opportunity for some zen-like detachment.

This week’s mantra: “Above.”

Cheeky illustration of a gender-fluid white person with short-cropped orange hair. They're wearing a light blue halter top as two bright pink koi fish circle their head.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

What you want is a life with more guaranteed pleasure. Over the last few months, you’ve been reckoning with how much energy you give to work vs. how little you give to play. The full moon in Cancer on the 13th highlights what you’re still lacking while giving you the courage to step into your joy. As you build a more solid foundation, you’re building a stronger muscle for joy.

This week’s mantra: “Strength.”

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Jaime Wright Astrologer PureWow e1723737740541


  • Astrologer and writer of PureWow's weekly and monthly horoscopes
  • Consulting astrologer based in Brooklyn
  • Host of the "Good Fortunes" podcast