Restless energy abounds this week as both the sun (our ego) and Mercury (our communication style) meet up with rebellious Uranus, on the 26th and 28th respectively. Mercury—which shifted into stubborn Taurus on the 27th—becomes very “practice makes perfect” when traveling through the bull’s sign. (Think the relentless work ethic of Lizzo, who has Mercury in Taurus in her birth chart.) But with Uranus in the mix, we have to not only give things our all, but we also have to shake things up. So, let’s try a challenging new recipe, take a sweatier Pilates class or at the very least, stir some collagen into our morning coffee. If we’re open to change, we can handle all the surprises that come our way.
(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that will provide further insight.)