As an astrologer, my clients come to me asking about two things: love and money. And in life, what else do we really need beyond feeling loved and supported? The first place to look in a birth chart for information about how both money and love play out for you is: Venus, planet of love, money and connection. Venus takes about a calendar year to travel through the zodiac, spending three to four weeks in each sign. There are the signs where she feels at home (Taurus and Libra), other signs where she feels like a VIP guest (Pisces), and still others where she can be a bit H-O-T-T-O-G-O (Aries and Scorpio). Then there’s Venus in Gemini, the mercurial trickster sign that contains multitudes. Venus in Gemini sometimes gets a bad rap for being all over the place, but there’s a lot to love about this smart and curious Venus placement. Let’s get into what Venus in Gemini means for every zodiac sign.
Venus in Gemini: What Gemini Venus Means for Each Sign
Geminis, Libras and Aquarians—this is good news for you

Meet the Astrologer
Jaime Wright writes PureWow’s weekly and monthly horoscope columns, along with the cult favorite Substack moon missives. She also hosts good fortune, a podcast with weekly astro forecasts, cultural critique and gossip. As a consulting astrologer, Jaime is particularly skilled at pinpointing when her clients might get into their next relationship.
What Does Venus in Gemini Mean?
Venus enters Gemini each year after the love planet finishes up a transit in her home sign of Taurus. While Venus in Taurus is all about a very down to earth sensuality, Venus in Gemini is a breath of fresh, excitable air. Gemini is a mutable sign and Venus’ transit through Gemini is very fluid. It’s here where we stop looking at love, beauty and connection with such rigid boundaries and embrace curiosity. Those born with Venus in Gemini usually have a much more open approach to both relationships and money. They’re not eager to put a label on anything because they know that feelings change along with circumstances. This is the placement of the flirt, the comic philosopher and the social butterfly.
This Venus in Gemini vibe is true for all those who were born when Venus in Gemini, but when Venus is in Gemini by transit, we all experience love and beauty through this lens.
Key Dates and Astrological Events for Venus in Gemini
Venus spends about three to four weeks in Gemini each year. Recent and upcoming transits include:
- July 4 - July 30, 2025
- May 23 - June 17, 2024
- April 10 - May 7, 2023
Venus also goes retrograde in Gemini every 8 years when instead of spending four weeks in the sign of the twins, it spends 4 months! The most recent Venus retrograde in Gemini was in 2020 and before that in 2012. The next Venus retrograde in Gemini will be in May and June of 2028!
How Venus in Gemini Effects Geminis
Venus spends about three to four weeks of every year in Gemini. When this time comes, I’m always getting questions from Gemini clients about what it means when Venus is in their sign. “Does this mean I’m going to find love this month?” “If Venus is in Gemini, should I get a haircut?” The answer is both yes and no. Venus in Gemini moves differently through every birth chart (and every Gemini’s birth chart) so there’s no one size fits all interpretation. Many factors (primarily the rising sign more than the sun sign) affect what part of life will see the most stimulation. That all being said, Venus in Gemini does bring, at the very least, some fun and flirtation to all Geminis.
Venus entering Gemini is an immediate mood booster for Geminis, especially if the weeks leading up to it (while Venus was in Taurus) got existential. Venus returning to Gemini’s sign feels like an affirmation. It’s like having a personal cheerleader to get you through the toughest parts of the day. Venus in Gemini is also a great time for Geminis to touch up their hair, acquire some new wardrobe pieces and embrace a natural glow. It’s also a great time doing some heart-centered journaling and surrounding oneself with close (and chatty!) friends.
Though it might seem like Venus in Gemini would be a great time for a Gemini’s love life, it’s actually a better time for self love. Though Gemini is looking and feeling their best (and many might be attracted to this energy), the focus should be on feeling whole in oneself. That being said, Venus in Gemini’s curious and intellectual energy is great for starting conversations and seeing where the vibe flows. Geminis might not be looking for love during this time, but that doesn’t mean they won’t find it.
Money & Career
For job hunting Geminis, Venus in Gemini is a great transit for updating their LinkedIn and resumé, following leads and shooting that professional shot. Money-wise, the best dates for Gemini’s money will be when the Moon is also in Gemini (especially if there is a New Moon around this time!) as this helps Gemini feel totally in control of their bank account and budget.
How Venus in Gemini Impacts Each Zodiac Sign
Signs That Benefit When Venus is in Gemini
Venus in Gemini is an especially sweet transit for Libra, Aquarius, and Sagittarius. For Gemini’s fellow air signs Libra and Aquarius this transit brings a touch of romance and play, as well as an amped up sense of adventure. For Gemini’s opposite sign Sagittarius, Venus in Gemini lights up their partnership sector bringing new dating and work opportunities and a general feeling of support and conviviality.
Signs That May Face Challenges When Venus is in Gemini
Venus in Gemini is an especially challenging transit for Cancer and Scorpio. For Cancer, this transit lights up their unconscious sector making all things love, beauty and connection harder to access (or only possible in secret!). For Scorpio, Venus in Gemini is in their shared resources sector and though this may bring good news about debt or a loan, it also brings up some heavy feelings around power dynamics. Like a good therapy session, it’s cathartic but doesn’t always “feel good.”
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Venus in Gemini brings joy and good vibes to Aries’ local environment. This is also a great transit for improving communications, spending time with close friends and siblings, and beautifying the neighborhood! It’s a very busy time for Aries and the key is to keep it light and avoid overwhelm! Just because there’s a lot to do doesn’t mean it all has to be so serious!
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Venus in Gemini brings good news for Taurus’ bank account and resources. The key for Taurus to make the most of this transit is to step out of their comfort zone and be willing to diversify their portfolio. This is a great time to take on a side gig, shop for new wardrobe pieces at vintage stores and consider options when it comes to investments.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Venus in Gemini brings good vibes and great skin for all Geminis! This is a mood-boosting and affirming time and should be spent getting facials, touching up balayage jobs and taking advantage of a generally sunny disposition. It’s also a fun and flirty time, but it’s most important for Geminis to focus on self love!
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Venus in Gemini is a quiet time for Cancers as they’re less concerned with socializing and more concerned with rest, meditation and finding peace with their shadows. All things love and beauty may feel harder to access for Cancers during this transit, especially on a material level. The beauty here arrives after a bit of solitude.
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Venus in Gemini is often the most social few weeks of the year for Leos! This transit brings plenty of sweet opportunities to connect with friends, community and their audience. This isn’t a time to stay quiet or hide their shine, but a time for Leos to step out of their comfort zone and make new friends across many different social circles.
Virgo (August 23 - September 23)
Venus in Gemini is a boost for Virgo’s career and public life. This transit brings awards, recognition from VIPs, and opportunities to step into leadership roles with elegance and grace. This is also a great time to seek jobs, gain favor with a boss, and to shine at public speaking.
Libra (September 23 - October 21)
Venus in Gemini brings a wide array of sweet travel and education opportunities for Libra. These are the best few weeks of the year for Libras to set off on a new adventure or start a new practice in spirituality. For Libra teachers, this is also the time of year to gain the most favor with students.
Scorpio (October 22 - November 21)
Venus in Gemini is a heavier time of year for Scorpio than it is for most other signs. Though it often brings good news around paying off debts, seeking loans or borrowing cash from a pal, it can also make Scorpios very aware of unbalanced power dynamics. It’s also a time of year when Scorpios have to finely manage helping others and tending to their own needs. (Remember: gift means poison in German!)
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
Venus in Gemini is a great transit for Sagittarius’ relationships as it brings good vibes to one-on-one connections of all kinds. Single or partnered, Sagittarians enjoy great dates, heartfelt conversations and negotiations going in their favor during these few weeks of the year. It’s important to explore options and not limit oneself during this time as well.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
Venus in Gemini is a lovely time for Capricorn’s health and work life. This transit is great for getting back into work and fitness routines, finding relief for ongoing health problems and spending quality time with kids and pets. This is also a very busy time for Capricorns who should explore options but not go in so many different directions that it leads to burnout.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Venus in Gemini is the most romantic time of the year for Aquarius! This is a great transit for first dates, exploring hobbies and connecting with one’s inner child or teen. The thing to watch out for, especially romance-wise, is exploring options without spreading oneself too thin. Maybe three dates in one evening is too many!
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Venus in Gemini is an opportunity for Pisces to enjoy the comforts of home. This is a great transit for house hunting, redecorating or trying out new recipes. This also could be a great time to spend some time away from home, soaking up a different culture, visiting friends and family out of town or switching apartments with a friend for an easy staycation.
Tips for Navigating Venus in Gemini
The best tips for navigating Venus in Gemini are:
- Stay Open to Possibilities: Gemini is a mutable sign ruled by Mercury meaning that love blossoms and money grows when you go with the flow!
- Accept Duality: There are always two sides (and often more) to every story. Gemini knows that there usually isn’t one answer, especially when it comes to love.
- Keep it Light: Part of going with the flow is making sure you aren’t holding on too tightly to anything. It’s easier to take a risk or jump at a sudden opportunity when you’re traveling light. Don’t bring three suitcases when all you need is a carry on. This transit is meant to be easy and breezy.
Conclusion: Embracing Venus in Gemini
For those who are more stuck in their ways (looking at you fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius), Venus in Gemini energy might be difficult to manage. It’s a transit that’s all about embracing fluidity and curiosity, and that means leaving preconceived notions of what you like and don’t like at the door. Gemini energy is all about being open to changing your mind, and realizing that you might like something else even better!
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