Multitasking, thy name is woman. Also, thy name is L.A. driver. But instead of engaging in scary stuff behind the wheel (like texting or putting on lipstick), choose the safe, elevating option of listening to a podcast hosted by women. There are as many different ones as there are personalities. See our favorites below—there’s at least one with your name on it.
11 Podcasts for Women Hosted By Women That We Can’t Live Without11

1. 'happier With Gretchen Rubin'
Listen for: Feeling less grouchy.
It’s a sister act, but with quips, concrete suggestions and thoughtful commentary about ways to make your daily life happier. Author Gretchen Rubin (Oprah interviewed her about her best-selling book The Happiness Project) and her younger sis, Angeleno TV writer Elizabeth Craft, pondering such disparate attempts at joy manufacture as de-cluttering, forgiveness and a kissing schedule. (Bonus, busy lady—every other episode is just two minutes long.)
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2. 'nerdette'
Listen for: A little pick me up.
The tagline to this podcast, co-hosted by Tricia Bobeda and Greta Johnsen, is that “everybody is a little nerdy about something.” Which means this free-ranging half hour takes a deep dive into everything from Anna Deavere Smith’s documentary theatre project to Ilene Chaiken, showrunner for the upcoming re-boot of The L Word. Smart, quirky and by golly, super-interesting.
3. 'self Service With Jerico Mandybur'
Listen for: A chill out session.
Ready to use whatever tools you can get your hands on to feel at one with the universe? Explore the spiritual side of life with this “inner beauty school” in which the editorial director of Girlboss hosts guests like psychologists and healers who discuss soooo many modalities of self-care, from crystals to staying hydrated (also, drinking booze). Bonus: Every Sunday, hear your weekly horoscope.

4. 'unladylike'
Listen for: When you’re seething.
Hey, feminist: Do you take your audio nourishment in the form of a well-researched entrée with a side of anger? Then check out this podcast, in which hosts Cristen Conger and Caroline Ervin are all about debunking body myths, sourcing cultural stereotypes and often using the word heteronormative. But, srsly, it’s fun. (And in October, there’ll be a book: Unladylike: A Field Guide to Smashing the Patriarchy and Claiming Your Space.)

5. 'two Dope Queens'
Listen for: A good laugh.
You’ll love the chemistry between Phoebe Robinson and Jessica Williams, two BFF black women who have brought “yas queen yas” into mass culture. This ’cast is a taping of their live comedy show in Brooklyn, in which they have their favorite comedian friends on to share stories about romance, race and sex playlists.

6. 'my Favorite Murder With Karen Kilgariff And Georgia Hardstark'
Listen for: A little laugh mixed with morbidity.
Maybe you’re inexplicably drawn to the dark side. So are these co-hosts: One describes (in great detail) true crime stories to the other, who listens while gasping, nervously giggling and asking questions incredulously. It’s addictive storytelling, and its rabid fans call themselves murderinos on Reddit.
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7. 'skimm'd From The Couch'
Listen for: Career insight.
The creators of the daily political digest The Skimm sit down with successful female titans of media and Spanx (hi, shapewear inventor Sara Blakely!) to share the wisdom. Plus, the show just added a call-in feature.

8. 'oprah’s Supersoul Conversations'
Listen for: A way to elevate your life.
You’d think once you’re a billionaire and a household name, you might phone it in. Not Oprah, whose podcast welcomes commentators, celebs and authors to talk about how you can get one step closer to your best self, overcoming adversity or just being the most joyful you can be.

9. ‘mom Brain With Hilaria Baldwin & Daphne Oz’
Listen for: Real life mom advice.
Ear infections, car seat meltdowns, dried spaghetti…being a parent isn’t easy, but it’s best done in the company of good friends. That’s why we’re so excited to bring you “Mom Brain,” a new podcast hosted by Hilaria Baldwin and Daphne Oz and featuring guests like Alyssa Milano and Dominique Dawes. Because it’s OK if you don’t have all the answers.

10. ‘royally Obsessed’
Listen to: Catch up on all things royal.
You know Meghan Markle’s favorite beauty products, you know the difference between a princess and a princess royal, and it’s pronounced “Loo-wee,” thank you very much. Friend, you’ve come to the right place. Listen as hosts Kaitlin Menza (whose writing has appeared in the likes of Vogue and The New York Times) and Lisa Ryan (senior writer at The Cut) spill the tea on all things royal, from Kate Middleton’s maternity leave to Meghan Markle’s dog-poo duty.

11. ‘long Story Short With Bobbi Brown’
Listen to: Be fascinated.
Beauty industry titan Bobbi Brown—who walked away from her namesake company in 2016 and hasn’t stopped going since—is giving a glimpse into the lives of influential people: how they got their start, what drives them and how they’re trying to make the world a better place. Tune into the first episode, where she sits down with Mickey Drexler, the former CEO and current chairman of J.Crew, to talk Steve Jobs, his humble beginnings and how to create iconic brands.