Is your emoji aura more pink bow or ticking bomb? Salsa dancer or bashful monkey? Stop overanalyzing, guys—the cosmos are here to declare your emoji alter ego. Here, your signature emoji based on your zodiac sign.
Your Signature Emoji, According to Your Zodiac Sign

Aquarius (january 20 – February 18): Sign Of The Horns
You’re an anarchist. But only, like, a little bit. Rock on, star child.

Pisces (february 19 – March 20): Rainbow
If you were going to approach life with realistic expectations, it would have happened by now.

Aries (march 21 -april 19): Comet
When you enter the room, it’s as subtle as a heart attack. Or in emoji terms, a blazing asteroid.

Taurus (april 20 – May 20): Anchor
Flexibility? Totally overrated. Bless your un-budging, bullish soul.

Gemini (may 21 – June 20): Butterfly
The perfect mascot for the zodiac’s social butterfly. Just don’t get one tattooed on your lower back, K?

Cancer (june 21-july 22): Key
So what if your most distinctive trait is an undying love for a night at home? #Hygge and proud

Leo (july 23 – August 22): Crown
You’re the attention-seeking, aspiring royal of the zodiac. Own it, baby.

Virgo (august 23 – September 22): Ruler
What can you say? You’ve got a flair for the straight-laced. And you’re not one for subtlety.

Libra (september 23 – October 21): Champagne
Life’s a party for the zodiac’s most feel-good gal. And yes, that means popping bottles a’plenty.

Scorpio (october 22 – November 21): Black Heart
You’re a lover...but you’re also kind of terrifying. Work it, queen of darkness.

Sagittarius (november 22 - December 21): Floating Leaves
You like to go wherever the wind takes you. No boundaries. Free love. Nirvana. Ya know?