You’re a busy lady. Sometimes throwing a little money at an annoying task or chore is the only way you’ll actually manage to get it done. Here, all the surprising things you can hire a Task Rabbit (you know, those on-demand freelance laborers who help you do your dirty work) to do.
10 Ways You Never Thought of Using a Task Rabbit
Time is money

They Can Assemble Your Ikea Furniture ($28/hour)
Twenty-eight dollars an hour is a small price to pay to not have to deal with those illustrated (and impossible) Malm instructions.

Or Wait In Line For A Dinner Reservation At The New Trendy Spot ($19/hour)
That teeny tiny bistro that consistently has a two-hour wait? Yep, you can hire a guy to put your name down and text you when your table’s coming up.

They Can Help With Nitty-gritty Wedding Details ($25/hour)
Like venue research. Or breaking down the event at the end of the night. (Trust us, it’s the last thing you want to worry about when you’re in a pretty white dress and just trying to get to the after-party.)

They'll Deliver Flowers For A Birthday Or Anniversary You Forgot ($20/hour)
For $20 (plus the cost of tulips), you can send a Task Rabbit to your favorite flower shop to buy blooms, then have them hand-delivered to your totally surprised friend or spouse.

They Can Handwrite Thank-you Notes ($19/hour)
Hey, as long as the handwriting is legible, your friends won’t know it’s not yours, right?

And Help You Hang That Gallery Wall ($38/hour)
The blank space above the sofa has been gnawing away at your design-loving heart for weeks. Hire a task rabbit for a couple of hours, map out the spacing, then pay them to hammer in the nails. Job = done.

They'll Re-organize Your Closet ($20/hour)
Whether you need help coming up with room for extra shoe storage--or playing a round of keep versus toss.

And Help You Cook A Week's Worth Of Meals ($33/hour)
Your goal: To stock your fridge (and freezer) with enough dinner options to last seven days. A task rabbit will not only do the grocery shopping; they’ll spearhead the chopping and prep.

They Can Bartend Your Next Bbq ($30/hour)
Hire a bartender, then get your mingle on.

And Plan Your Next Vacation To Paris ($19/hour)
Mapping out flight options and travel itineraries is crazy time-consuming. Pay a task rabbit to price out accommodations near the Eiffel Tower…or the Pompidou.