You’d never pick a new pair of shoes without taking your zodiac sign into account, right? (No? Just us?) So why on earth would you approach paint color—something that’s proven to have profound psychological effects—without the same set of cosmic considerations? In the hopes of helping you sleep and decorate like your truest self, here’s what color you should actually be painting your bedroom (according to your zodiac sign, because we couldn’t help ourself).
Here’s What Color You Should Paint Your Bedroom, According to Your Zodiac Sign

Aquarius (january 20 – February 18): Pale Blue
You’re a salt-of-the-earth kinda gal, water bearer. Equally connected to the sky (per your air sign nature) and the sea (per your mascot), peaceful sleep for your free-ramblin’ spirit will be best served by a serene, pale blue hue that nods to both elements.
Design: Claire Staszak, Photography: Dustin Halleck for Homepolish

Pisces (february 19 – March 20): Aqua
This one is a real no-brainer, ocean child: Blues speak to your fishie soul and make you feel instantly at peace. Look to deep blue hues with green undertones (aquas and teals, people)—as this naturally occurring color collision will both relax and spark your dreamy imagination.
Design: Guinevere Johnson, Photography: Dustin Halleck for Homepolish

Aries (march 21 – April 19): Pure White
Yes, you're a warrior, but as the first sign of the zodiac, you also represent new life and purity. A bright, paper-white paint job will provide the clean slate you innately crave—as well as a soothing place to charge those powerful batteries.
Design: Noa Santos, Photography: Claire Esparros for Homepolish

Taurus (april 20 – May 20): Forest Green
As a grounded earth sign, you take reading/crossword time very seriously. And since you tend to feel most secure and comforted by a colorway that connects you to the earth, opt for a calming palette of naturally occurring greens.
Design: Tali Roth, Photography: Claire Esparros

Gemini (may 21 – June 20): Buttercup Yellow
Light yellow tones in the buttercup spectrum will nurture your upbeat, positive outlook—and shut down your grumpy twin alter ego when she rears her testy head.
Design: Jesse Turek, Photography: Sean Litchfield for Homepolish

Cancer (june 21 – July 22): Warm Gray
For the zodiac’s queen of hibernation, serenity in the bedroom is literally key to your mental well-being. Opt for a pale gray wall color to mimic your reflective nature—and make your shell a place of ultimate comfort and respite.
Design: Orlando Soria, Photography: Tessa Neustadt for Homepolish

Leo (july 23 – August 22): Purple
Let’s call a spade a spade, Leo: You like to be must be the star of the show. Our suggestion? Rock a purple paint job, which is both bold enough to capture your attention and the unofficial color of royalty—making it an apt choice for the queen of jungle.
Design: Jennifer Hallock, Photography: Nick Glimenakis for Homepolish

Virgo (august 23 – September 22): Navy
Ever the practical aesthete, you crave a hue that stands up to wear and tear and stands the test of time, style-wise. Your color soul mate? Navy, of course. This timelessly sophisticated color will create a polished focal point that's jussst edgy enough.
Design: Orlando Soria, Photography: Tessa Neustadt for Homepolish

Libra (september 23 – October 21): Blush Pink
Warmth and balance are your trademark traits, Libs—so naturally you’ll feel most at home in a colorway that suggests both. Look to soft, blushy pinks as a refreshing neutral that, like you, is oh-so-charming.
Design: Annouchka Engel, Photography: Julia Robbs for Homepolish

Scorpio (october 22 – November 21): Black
Intense, passionate and prone to withdrawal, Scorpios think of their bedrooms as a retreat from the world. Serve up some moody vibes—and yes, major cool-girl factor, with a timeless black theme.
Design: Nicole Newkirk, Photography: Helynn Ospina for Homepolish

Sagittarius (november 22 - December 21): Burnt Orange
Always the contrarian, your comfort zone is anywhere adventure lies. Translation: There will be approximately zero snoozy wall colors in this chick’s funky boudoir. Nurture your fire sign energy with a base palette of rusty oranges and reds. (Better still? Throw in some pattern.)
Design: Katherine Carter, Photography: Meghan Beierle- O'Brien for Homepolish

Capricorn (december 22 – January 19): Cream
Like your namesake goat, you’re always climbing toward the top of the mountain. Your goal in the bedroom? Rest, and plenty of it. Cool creams and sophisticated taupes will both appease your conservative nature and set your soul at ease.
Design: Katherine Carter, Photography: Amy Bartlam for Homepolish