Almost immediately following the joy of finding out I was pregnant was the sobering gut-punch: Oy, maybe this four-story Brooklyn walkup wasn’t the best idea? I’d wake from nightmares of dead-lifting a watermelon-sized infant and all of its heavy accessories up and down endless flights of stairs in a hellish loop. Six months in, and my anxieties have quelled. But my pragmatism has not. This upcoming adventure will require more than just daily squats. It will require finding baby equipment that fits our specific needs, and yeah, stuff that’s cute and cool too because, why throw my standards out the window?
So, in the name of my journey to motherhood up and down four butt-numbing flights of stairs, I’ve decided to see what’s out there that works for my particular situation. To kick things off, I put the Nuna Triv stroller to the test.