
The Newest Adorable Kid-Friendly Food Craze Is Breakfast “Sushi”

When we say “sushi,” you’re probably thinking spicy tuna, which doesn’t exactly translate to breakfast. But these adorable—and delicious—sushi-inspired treats are perfect for making with your kids to start the day off. Soy sauce not included.

11 Food Art Ideas that Make Mealtime Fun

breakfast sushi 1
Raising Whasians

Cereal Crusted "maki"

Way more fun than eating it with a spoon.

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Bacon And Egg "sushi" Rolls

Haven’t you heard? It’s the new breakfast sandwich.

Fruit Salad Summer Rolls

Almost too pretty to eat. Almost.

Peanut Butter And Banana "sushi"

A new take on a classic combo.

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Everything Bagel Sushi

Our two favorite foods rolled (literally) into one.

Pistachio Chocolate Banana "sushi"

A little chocolate in the morning never hurt anyone.

Fruit Sushi

Mark our words: Fruishi is the next big thing.

Crepe Sushi Rolls

A totally new kinda pancake.

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Freelance PureWow Editor

From 2015-2017 Hannah Loewentheil held the role of Editor covering entertainment, food, travel and all things nyc.