
My Favorite New Show of 2024 Just Got Canceled by Netflix But I Promise It's a Must-Watch Anyway

I binged the entirety of season one in a single weekend

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Justin Downing/Netflix

OK, so the preview for the star-studded Netflix show Kaos had me extremely confused. A show about Greek mythology set in modern times? Is that...a comedy? A drama? Will it be as boring as the last time I had to read Greek mythology (college)?

Despite my initial concerns, something about Kaos piqued my interest, at least enough for me to give the first episode a shot. But then I immediately dove into the second episode. And the third. And in a single weekend I'd binged the entirety of season one, already hungry for Kaos season two to arrive. But, alas, season two was not meant to be.

According to Deadline, Netflix has opted not to renew my favorite new show of 2024, canceling it after just one season. Now I swear I'm not as mad as Jeff Goldblum's Zeus in the series, but I am wildly disappointed. Still, I highly recommend giving the first season a watch (I promise it still comes to a satisfying conclusion, even if I wish there were more). Here's why.

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Daniel Escale/Netflix

As I mentioned, Goldblum leads a stellar cast, who portray gods and mortals alike. Goldblum plays the churlish Zeus who is determined to prevent his prophecy (involving the downfall of his family) from coming to pass. Janet McTeer (who you probably recognize from Ozark) plays his wife, Hera, a goddess out to increase her power—and control her unruly husband—all while being tempted by Zeus's brother, Poseidon (Cliff Curtis).

Other notable names making appearances? Debi Mazar puts a fun new twist on Medusa. Eddie Izzard is a delight as one of The Fates. And then there are a plethora of new faces and names rounding out the leading and supporting cast.

From start to finish, the performances are incredible.

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The plot is also a (pleasant) roller coaster of emotions. We get heartfelt moments as a mortal journeys into the underworld to save his deceased wife. We get terrifying scenes involving the Minotaur in his dungeon maze. And we get lighthearted scenes—often involving Goldblum and Nabhaan Rizwan, who plays his son Dionysus.

The whole series feels quite epic in scope as it spans worlds, switching from Olympus to earth to Hades. But don't let that deter you if you aren't into Lord of the Rings-sized tales. The story is streamlined and luckily guided by a narrator who reassures us that everything will soon make sense.

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And for those who love plot twists, let me assure you there are plenty. Without giving anything away, the twist that comes at the end of episode four was one of those "I just yelled at my television screen" kind of moments. Oof. Not all is what it seems down in the underworld apparently and I am living for it (pun intended).

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Justin Downing/Netflix

So, while Kaos may not be returning with more episodes (maybe Netflix will change its mind?!), I still highly recommend season one. Trust me, it's my favorite show of the year for good reason.

Kaos season one is now streaming on Netflix.

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VP, News and Entertainment

  • Oversees news and entertainment content
  • Is an award-winning playwright and has hosted two entertainment podcasts
  • Has 10+ years experience in entertainment coverage and viral media