I absolutely love keeping readers in the know about all things entertainment. Whether you need the latest reality TV gossip, want to know what to watch or who just shared the most adorable, funny or chic photos, I’ve got you covered. I also have a passion for lifestyle, wellness and beauty news.
Over my time in the industry, I’ve contributed as an entertainment reporter and writer for outlets such as Good Morning America, Elite Daily, ABC News and more. From working the red carpet at awards shows, to attending New York Fashion Week and movie premieres, you could say I’ve worn a lot of hats and juggled many roles. I’ve even earned two of the prestigious Edward R. Murrow Awards, which honor outstanding achievements in broadcast and digital journalism.
I obtained a B.A. in Communication from the University of Wisconsin and completed internships with KISSFM radio station and NBC’s lifestyle show, The Morning Blend, to name a few. These days, I remain a student of life and keep my pulse on pop culture by staying immersed in it.