
Zodiac Sign Sex Drives: The Most Sexual Zodiac Signs, Ranked

Your libido, as dictated by stars

Zodiac sex drives ranked
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A person’s sex drive is about as individualized as it gets, but astrology teaches us that even our libido can be guided by the stars. While all signs enjoy sex, their intimate connections and need for physical touch vary throughout the zodiac. Some signs are more naturally inclined to pursue (hello, Scorpio and Aries ruled by Mars), while others are more likely to pursue it when their other needs are met (hello, sensual but not initiating Taurus).

As an astrologer who has read thousands of charts and studied all kinds of modern and ancient techniques, I can tell you point blank that the sun sign alone has nothing to do with someone’s sex drive. It’s fun to rank though and there is some truth to even the generalizations. What really matters when it comes to someone’s sex drive are planets, aspects, and the synastry (a fancy astrologer word for compatibility) between charts.

Meet the Astrologer

Jaime Wright is a writer and consulting astrologer based in Brooklyn, NY. She has written PureWow's weekly and monthly horoscope columns since 2019. She has been working with clients online and IRL for almost a decade, authors the cult favorite newsletter moon missives, and hosts the good fortune podcast. A lifelong student of astrology, Jaime is an expert in both modern and traditional techniques, as well as in the history of astrology and other forms of divination.

What Is the Most Sexual Zodiac Sign?

As I said up top, you can absolutely not tell the most sexual zodiac sign through someone’s sun sign alone. Ranking zodiac signs’ sex drive is for fun, and an interesting way to think about how signs approach their physical side. That said, here’s the list.

Ranking Zodiac Signs with the Highest Sex Drive

12. Libra (September 23 - October 21)

It’s not that Libras don’t like sex, it’s just that they prioritize different types of intimate relationships, like friendship and family. Sex comes into play when they really want to demonstrate love and commitment, and they’re way less likely than other signs to engage in it casually.

11. Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Aquarius desires to be free above all, so they can get turned off from sex at the slightest hint that a sexual relationship will get in the way of that. This airy sign often has its head in the clouds when it comes to sex and can be a bit flighty when it comes to sexual connection.

10. Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Virgos are actually known for being adventurous in bed, as it’s one of the only places where they can truly let their hair down. The problem is actually getting them there. Virgos need a partner who will help them get out of their head, prioritize sex and unleash the freak within.

9. Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Geminis can take a little longer to warm up to a sexual encounter, as great conversation, intellectual stimulation and lots of laughs are needed to lubricate the mood. On the flip side, one wrong move and they’ll find themselves instantly turned off.

8. Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Capricorns have a reputation for being steady and conservative, but these traits can come in handy in the bedroom, especially when it comes to, er, stamina. Capricorns want to go the distance for their sexual partners and are more than willing to put in the work to keep them happy. Very, very happy.

7. Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Cancers prefer their sexual encounters to be meaningful and nurturing. They know that for sex to be truly enjoyable for them, they need to build trust, which can take time. And they’re more than willing to wait.

6. Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Pisces love sex and sexual connection, but their drive is totally dependent upon the connection they feel. Once it’s there, their sex drive is through the roof. If the connection is not there, their passion will go colder than an ice bucket challenge in Antarctica.

5. Leo (July 23 - August 22)

A Leo’s sex drive all depends on the other person. If they find someone who’s willing to treat them like the king of the jungle that they are, fiery Leo’s libido will be astronomical (pun intended). But when they meet someone who seems lukewarm or tries to play it cool, their sex drive will disappear faster than you can say, “u up?”

4. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Flirty Sagittarius loves a fling, and as a fire sign they are fueled by variety. More than any other sign, they’re down for a casual romp around the bedroom. On the other hand, they can sometimes be a bit of a commitment-phobe, preferring variety in all aspects of their life. That said, a one-night stand is not off the table.

3. Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Aries is ruled by Mars, and Mars rules the sex drive, so you do the math. Aries love to seduce and enjoy the lead-up to sex almost as much as the act itself. Almost.

2. Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Sensual Taurus loves physical touch and pleasures of all kinds, so it should come as no surprise that they’re so close to the top of our list. And once the deed is done, they’re the sign most likely to follow things up with a world-class cuddle sesh.

1. Scorpio (October 22 - November 21)

Sexy Scorpios are notorious for their high sex drive, which is fueled by their need for adventure and intimacy. It’s not just a numbers game for them, though. Scorpios are also highly selective with their partners and hold high standards, meaning only VIPs get to see them unleash their wild side.

How Accurate Are Astrology-Based Predictions for Sex Drive?

Astrology-based predictions for sex drive in a general sense are not accurate. Someone’s sun sign alone has nothing to do with their sex drive. (In fact someone’s sun sign often has nothing to do with their personality but that’s a conversation most of you aren’t ready to have). The general ranking above is more accurate based on rising sign, but still is too general to take as fact. That being said, there are plenty of other indicators in the birth chart that speak to how and when someone gets laid.

What astrology aspects cause high sex drive?

In someone’s birth chart, there are many kinds of aspects that could lead to a high sex drive: Mars and Venus in a positive aspect (sextile, trine) speak to someone who might be confident in pursuing connection. Venus in a strong aspect to Uranus might make someone restless and rebellious in pursuit of love.

On the other end of the spectrum, hard aspects (square, opposition, conjunction) from Mars or Saturn to Venus could hinder sex drive or complicate pursuits of love and connection.

Which planet is responsible for high sex drive?

The fifth house is the place of the birth chart associated with sex, romance and creativity. Those who have a planet (especially their chart ruler) in this house may have a higher sex drive. One should also look at the planet that rules the fifth house to determine someone’s relationship to sex. You can figure out your fifth house ruler based on your rising sign which you can calculate here.

If your rising sign is Aries, your fifth house is ruled by the Sun. With this influence, your sex drive is strong and steady.

If your rising sign is Pisces, your fifth house is ruled by the Moon. With this influence, your sex drive likely ebbs and flows.

If your rising sign is Taurus or Aquarius, your fifth house is ruled by Mercury. With this influence, you might be more turned on by someone’s mind.

If your rising sign is Gemini or Capricorn, your fifth house is ruled by Venus. With this influence, you enjoy sweetness, flirtation and all kinds of physical pleasures.

If your rising sign is Cancer or Sagittarius, your fifth house is ruled by Mars. You are driven to pursue what you love with this influence and might have a high sex drive.

If your rising sign is Leo or Scorpio, your fifth house is ruled by Jupiter. You likely see romance and sex as something with deep meaning, and this reverence definitely affects your sex drive.

If your rising sign is Virgo of Libra, your fifth house is ruled by Saturn. With this influence, you take sex and romance seriously and your sex drive might develop at a slower rate before it blossoms.

Can Compatibility Between Zodiac Signs Affect Sex Drive?

Synastry—the fancy astrologer word for compatibility—is huge in determining sex drive. There are some people that light us up and others who just don’t. A few key indicators for sexual compatibility between two people:

  • Venus signs in the same element, i.e. your Venus in Leo and a partner’s Venus in Aries mean you share a fiery approach to connection
  • Mars signs in the same or complimentary element, i.e. your Mars in Taurus and a partner’s Mars in Cancer means you share a slow and sensual approach

Then there’s what I call the “baby making aspect” when your Moon is conjunct (at the same degree) a partner’s Mars, or vice versa. This synastry aspect leads to lovers who either never stop fighting or never exit the bedroom (usually a bit of both). This energy also shows up if the Moon and Mars are connected via other aspects such as square, trine or opposition.

Summary of Zodiac Sex Drive Rankings

In summary, it’s fun to rank zodiac signs by sex drive, but you can’t figure out someone’s sex drive by sun sign alone. Sex drive is better determined through someone’s fifth house, Venus and Mars placement, aspects between relational planets, and synastry with partners. 

The Energetic Boundaries Your Zodiac Needs for 2025—and How to Set Them

Jaime Wright Astrologer PureWow e1723737740541


  • Astrologer and writer of PureWow's weekly and monthly horoscopes
  • Consulting astrologer based in Brooklyn
  • Host of the "Good Fortunes" podcast

Freelance PureWow Editor