Whether you ate one too many scoops of ice cream or you’re a few days out from starting your period, your stomach is hurting. Or maybe it’s just cramps? Instead of waiting for the pain to pass on its own (or reaching inside your medicine cabinet), consider brewing one of these six teas, all of which are scientifically proven to soothe an upset stomach.
The Best Teas for an Upset Stomach, from Ginger to Licorice

1. Ginger Tea
Ginger root has been used medicinally for thousands of years in Asia and India to help relieve upset stomach, indigestion, motion sickness and nausea. Per a review of clinical trials in the journal Food Science & Nutrition, ginger can reduce gas, bloating, cramps and indigestion while also supporting bowel regularity. Why? It largely comes down to gingerol, ginger’s main component, which may increase digestive responsiveness. You can, of course, buy premade ginger tea, or you can make your own by grating a knob of peeled ginger and steeping it in boiling water for 10 to 20 minutes before straining.

4 More Ways To Combat Bloating
1. Hydrate
Whether or not you ditch the lemon water after that first cup, stick to H2O throughout the day. Water prevents common causes of bloating like constipation and dehydration and doesn’t contain any stomach-expanding ingredients like sweeteners and carbonation that are present in other drinks like soda (yes, even diet) and seltzer.
2. Avoid Dairy
Lactose sensitivity is way more common than you probably think, even if you possibly have the mildest case. Many people experience some form of negative side effects (most often gas and bloating) after milk, cheese or yogurt. We’re not saying cut these out for good, but ahead of a big event, steer clear of dairy just to be safe, since you never really know how your body is going to react.
3. Chew Slower
When you eat too quickly, you swallow more air, which can cause bloat. Chew slower and more mindfully and maybe skip the after-lunch gum (which has a similar effect), while you’re at it.
4. Stretch
Before a big night out, consider a quick yoga sequence aimed at increasing blood flow to your digestive tract and ridding your internal organs of constipation-causing toxins. Also consider an abdominal massage, which increases blood flow and soothes your muscles (and also works wonders on period cramps).