Recently a single mom friend—lets call her Eve—was excited to reunite with an old friend—Willa. The two former pals were excited to take their similar-age daughters to a theme park together, just-us-girls. Then at the last minute, Willa asked if she could bring along her husband, who had long given my single mom friend the ick. Eve called me to ask if I thought she should stand firm on her girls-only request, thinking I’d guilt her into smiling through gritted teeth at Willa’s husband’s presence.
“Absolutely not,” I told her. “You don’t have to share your day of rollercoastering with a man with whom you have never been pals.”
The incident made me think of how a lot of my girlfriends from jobs, support groups and school functions ask if their husbands can come along to hang outs or sit down with us when I’d come by for a drink and a chat. Sometimes, I’m asked to join them at some performance or exhibit in which their spouse acts or paints and my mind reels.
It must be said: Friend, I don’t want to hang out with your husband…ever.