Have you ever taken a workout class and been so fixated on the instructor’s next-level muscles that you lost track of how many reps you’ve done? Meet Sami Sweeney, the owner and operator of six Pure Barre fitness studios in and around Seattle, who has one of the most impressive sets of abs we’ve ever seen. We caught up with this super mom (she has a six-month-old) to see what she eats in a day to feel and look her best.
Here's What a Barre Instructor Eats in a Day to Look (and Feel) Fabulous
5:30 A.m.
“My most successful way to squeeze in a weekday workout is get it in early. Most days, I wake up at 5:15 a.m. to make a 6 a.m. barre or cross-training class. Before I workout, I chug a big glass of water. Hydration is key to having the energy—and the vocal ability—to teach more than ten classes a week. Although I don’t eat anything substantial at this hour, I do start my day with a cup of nutrient-packed coffee. I blend a cup of Seattle’s finest with a heaping tablespoon of coconut oil or coconut creamer and collagen protein. I top it with cinnamon, then I’m out the door!”

7:30 A.m.
“My post-barre food of choice is a protein-packed smoothie. My smoothie looks different every time I make it, depending on what’s fresh in my fridge and readily available. Some of my favorite smoothie ingredients include dairy-free milk, chocolate protein powder (Garden of Life is my current obsession), greens (like kale, spinach and spirulina), bananas, avocados, almonds or almond butter, maca powder, hemp seeds and cacao nibs. I throw my ever-changing concoction into a glass jar and begin tackling my day in the studios.”

10:00 A.m.
“My six-month-old daughter, Ophelia, just started eating solids. I often snack on something during this time of day that we can both eat. Hard-boiled eggs, sweet potatoes, carrots, avocado and raspberries are some of her favorites. I’ll add a protein bar if I’m still hungry! My bars of choice include Epic bars, Real Food Bars, and the occasional RX bar.”

1 P.m.
“My husband and I try to batch cook or meal prep twice a week. My lunches are generally meals we’ve cooked in preparation for our busy schedule. This meal contains lots of veggies and lean protein. Roasted Brussels sprouts and pork carnitas (shout out to my Instant Pot) is one of my favorite combos. I’m also obsessed with hot sauce, and add it to nearly everything.”

3 P.m.
“I teach a lot of evening classes and need a snack before I jump on the microphone for several hours. This is typically a handful (or three) of mixed nuts along with a scoop of protein powder and water mixed in a shaker bottle. Again, convenience with my snacks is key.”

8 P.m.
“Although I try to keep my carb intake lower in the evenings, I never count calories or avoid eating when I’m hungry. I love finishing my day with loads of veggies, protein and healthy fats. One of my favorite salads is chock full of kale, Brussels sprouts, cucumbers, walnuts and grilled chicken. The bigger, the better.”