
Not Sure What to Put on Your Baby Registry? We Suggest These 75 Items

As if being pregnant weren’t stressful enough (oh, hello, 6 p.m. heartburn), now you’ve got to assemble a baby registry? Luckily, we’ve done the work for you. Here, 75 items every new mom-to-be should have on her list.

baby registry clothes


Itty-bitty and oh-so-adorable


You’ll want at least ten of each size: newborn, 0 to 3 months and 3 to 6 months.

Carter’s onesies ($16 for 4)

fleece baby bunting


Figure out sizing based on how old your baby will be when it first gets cold.

Hudson bunting ($13)

hat and gloves

Winter Hat

You don’t want that delicate noggin to catch a chill.

Carter’s hat and gloves ($10)

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Sun Hat

Get the size for your baby’s age in summer.

i Play sun hat ($12)

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You’ll want at least six pairs in 0 to 6 months and 6 to 12 months.

Gerber socks ($10 for 8)

swaddles for baby

Receiving Blankets

Also perfect for on-the-fly diaper changes.

Aden + Anais swaddles ($35 for 4)

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Ditto the bunting. Buy based on your baby’s age when it gets cold.

7 A.M. Enfant snowsuit ($40)

baby hangers

Clothes Hangers

The effort to stay organized is real.

Real Simple children’s hangers ($7 for 10)

baby pajamas


You’ll want at least four in the 0 to 3 months size.

Kyte Baby footie PJ's ($30)

hello bello laundry detergent

Laundry Detergent

One that’s safe for baby is key.

Hello Bello detergent ($13)

baby in crib


However brief it may be

A Crib

Bonus if you find one that easily converts into a toddler bed.

Oeuf crib ($970)

emily crib mattress

Crib Mattress

This one is breathable, non-toxic and certified organic.

My Green Mattress crib mattress ($289)

brooklittles sheet

Crib Sheets

Accidents happen. It’s worth investing in three four.

Brooklittles sheets ($52 for 2)

plush deluxe mattress protector

Mattress Protector

Whatever you buy, the key word is waterproof.

Plush Deluxe mattress protector ($20)

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Better than a lullaby? Almost.

Petit Pehr mobile ($85)

eufy baby monitor

Baby Monitor

Ideally one with pristine picture quality and a 360-degree view so you can keep tabs at all times.

Eufy baby monitor ($160)

sleep sack harvey karp

Swaddle Blankets

“Because swaddling is super easy," said no parent ever.

Happiest Baby zipper swaddle ($23)

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Even if you’re hesitant about using them, you’ll want a few on hand.

Philips Avent pacifiers ($4 for 2)

baby bjorn travel crib


Intuitive setup included—a must-have when you’re on the road.

Baby Bjorn travel crib ($300)

travel crib sheets1

Travel Crib Sheets

Three should be enough.

Nodnal Co. sheets ($25 for 3)

woolino sleep sack

Sleep Bag

Most parents stop swaddling around 4 months, and this is a nice next step. (Get a few in various sizes from small to large.)

Woolino sleep sack ($100)



The perfect gift from your mother (or mother-in-law).

Carter’s by DaVinci glider ($429)

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A Bassinet

You’ll want one that wheels right up to your bed.

Graco bassinet ($160)

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White Noise Machine

Bring us all your sleep-training tips!

Marpac Dohm sound machine ($45)

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Bedtime Books

It never hurts to register for an assortment.

Goodnight Moon ($5)

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Before long, they won’t nod off without it.

Angel Dear lovey ($13)

baby bath


Scrub-a-dub-dub, newborn baby in the tub

A Bathtub

An option that’s safe—and makes for an easy transition to the toddler stage.

Fisher-Price bathtub ($30)

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Bath Toys

Just be sure you clean them on the regular.

Elegant Baby bath toys ($15 for 8)

baby washcloths


Honestly, you can never have too many.

Pretty See washcloths ($9 for 5)

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A Bathrobe

Mainly for Instagrams.

Baby Aspen robe ($20)

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Faucet Cover

To help avoid any head bonks during the witching hour.

Skip Hop faucet cover ($14)

mustela shampoo

Baby Wash

Hypoallergenic and tear-free.

Mustela shampoo ($13)

evereden baby lotion

Baby Moisturizer

For sensitive (and delicate) skin.

Evereden moisturizer ($30 for 2)

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Hooded Towel

FYI, you’ll need more than one.

Clevamama bath towel ($22)

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A Baby Hairbrush

Good to have on hand—even if your newborn has little (to no) hair for a while.

The First Years American Red Cross hairbrush ($5)

nail clipper

Baby Nail Clipper

One that comes with a magnifier is best.

The First Years American Red Cross nail clippers ($3)

baby registry diapers


Whoa, you need how many diapers?


Yeah, you’re going to want to buy these in bulk whenever you can.

Hello Bello diapers ($24 for 96)

diaper bags

Mini Diaper Trash Bags

Tuck these into your diaper bag for on-the-go changes.

Diaper trash bags ($15)

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Diaper Changing Pad

Plastic-covered, so all it needs is a quick wipe versus a machine wash.

Keekaroo changing pad ($130)

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Changing Pad Liners

OK, these you’ll have to machine wash.

Boppy liners ($13 for 3)

water wipes

Diaper Wipes

Two words: Stock up.

Water Wipes ($43 for 12)

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Wipes Dispenser

Doubles as a changing assistant when you have only one hand free.

OXO dispenser ($20)

a d ointment

Diaper Ointment

To prevent diaper rash or stop it in its tracks.

A+D Ointment ($5)

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Diaper Pail

It’s all about the foot pedal.

Dékor diaper pail ($30)

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Diaper Pail Trash Bags

Two bags = disposal of 1,160 newborn diapers. Damn.

Dékor bags ($15 for 2)

diaper caddy

Diaper Basket

So you can at least attempt to keep things organized.

Skip Hop diaper caddy ($42)

baby registry nursing


So you’re armed and ready at 2 a.m.


Aim to have at least six bottles (with both slow- and medium-flow nipples) on hand.

Medela bottles ($12 for 3)

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Nursing Pillow

You will live in this thing for the first few months.

Boppy pillow ($40)

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Bottle Drying Rack

Great for bottles. Great for pump parts.

Boon drying rack ($15)

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Bottle Brush

Just be sure the one you pick has a nipple cleaner.

OXO bottle brush ($8)

lewis burp cloths

Burp Cloths

You can never have too many of these around.

Lewis burp cloths ($22 for 2)

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Feeding Bibs

Spit-up happens.

Little Unicorn bibs ($20 for 3)

stokke high chair

High Chair

You won’t need this immediately, but it’s always good to be prepared.

Stokke high chair ($270)

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Breast Pump

FYI, this is likely covered by your health insurance. (Just call your provider.)

Medela breast pump ($200; $180)

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Nursing Bra

Get a few.

Bravado nursing bra ($49)

dream nursing tank

Nursing Tank


Bravado tank ($26)

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Breast Milk Storage Bags

Complete with a click-and-secure seal to prevent leaks.

Lansinoh bags ($20 for 100)

nursing and car seat cover

Nursing Cover

Doubles as a car seat cover for impromptu baby snoozing.

Amazon nursing cover ($7)

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Nursing Pads

The goal: Limit leakage.

Bamboobies pads ($18 for 4 pairs)

baby registry stroller


Baby on the go!

A Stroller

You have a zillion choices, but this stroller is durable, and if you invest in the Vista model, it can easily accommodate two. (No pressure!)

UPPABaby stroller ($970)

bugaboo ant travel stroller

A Travel Stroller

This one folds down small enough to fit into the overhead compartment on an airplane. Enough said.

Bugaboo stroller ($519)

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Stroller Organizer

Cup holder included.

Skip Hop organizer ($23)

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Stroller Hooks

For your purse…or diaper bag.

Think King hooks ($12 for 2)

bugaboo car seat

Car Seat

Opt for something lightweight for easy portability.

Bugaboo car seat ($350)

skip hop car seat cover

Car Seat Cover

The removable top helps with temperature control.

Skip Hop car seat cover ($42)

freshly picked diaper bag

Diaper Bag

The more pockets the merrier.

Freshly Picked bag ($175)

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Portable Changing Station

Because diaper emergencies are impossible to predict.

Skip Hop changing station ($30)

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Baby Carrier

Hands-free baby bonding is the best.

Ergobaby baby carrier ($180)

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Baby Carrier Infant Insert

Works in a carrier…and also a car seat and stroller.

Ergobaby infant insert ($35)

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Travel High Chair

Great for restaurants—or your mother-in-law’s house.

Phil&Ted’s high chair ($90)

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Car Seat Adaptor

The easiest way to click your car seat into a stroller.

Car Seat bracket ($45)

car seat mirror1

Car Seat Mirror

So you have eyes on the road…and the back seat.

Brica mirror ($38)

baby registry playmat


It’s not all crying and sleeping

A Play Mat

Tummy time is the best time.

Lovevery mat ($140)

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A Baby Lounger

For when baby is awake, but you need a hands-free moment.

Boppy lounger ($33)

stacking cups

Stacking Cups

Basic? Yes. But this is a toy that will entertain your little one for months.

The First Years cups ($6)

baby play petit pom

Storage Bins

For a stylish way to corral all the toys.

Petit Pehr catch-all ($44)

smartnoggin rattle

A Colorful Rattle

We’ve never met a baby who didn’t go wild for this light-up rattle.

NogginStik rattle ($23)

rachel bowie christine han photography 100

Senior Director, Special Projects and Royals

  • Writes and produces family, fashion, wellness, relationships, money and royals content
  • Podcast co-host and published author with a book about the British Royal Family
  • Studied sociology at Wheaton College and received a masters degree in journalism from Emerson College