Everything is illuminated this week. Mercury meets the sun in Aquarius on the 9th (what astrologers call cazimi, a Latin word that means “in the heart of the sun”), and both planets square off with rebellious Uranus on the 10th and 11th. Together, these aspects bring out-of-the-box thinking and clarity around complex ideas. Aquarius gets a bad rap for being “aloof” and “detached,” but the fixed air sign is always observing from a distance. Aquarius knows exactly what’s going on. The full moon in Leo on the 12th is indulgent, dramatic and lets us wear our hearts on our sleeves.
Passion and emotional resilience are also themes of the week as Mars retrograde makes a supportive trine to Saturn on the 9th. And though the drive is there to get things done, communication may be a bit wonky. After Mercury meets the sun, the winged planet moves into Pisces on the 14th where poetry wins over clarity. Overall what I’m trying to say here is: there’s a lot happening, but the truth lies somewhere between the lines. (Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that sign too will provide further insight.)