Your boss just scrapped 85 percent of a presentation you’re giving tomorrow. Your kids are acting like they just shotgunned seven Pixy Stix each. No matter what caused it, you’re in a bad mood. But you don’t have time to curl up in a ball and ride this one out. Here, seven ways to perk up in less time than it takes you to list everything that’s currently stressing you out.
How to Get Out of a Bad Mood in 3 Minutes Flat

Have A Snack
…But be careful about what you snack on. You might want to reach for a candy bar, but those offer little to no nutritional benefits and will probably cause some hanger later on. Instead, pick a snack made up of foods that are scientifically proven to boost your mood, like a few clementines or a slice of avocado toast.

Watch A Funny Youtube Video
This is totally up to your personal taste, but think about a YouTube video you found (or, more likely, a friend showed you) and watch it. Might we recommend “Sad Affleck,” “Leave Britney Alone” or this incredible clip of a Kim Cattrall interview?

Listen To Your Favorite Song
And no, it doesn’t have to be “Happy” by Pharrell. Any song you adore, regardless of its tone, should put a smile on your face in around three and a half minutes. (Psst…one of our go-tos is “Cecilia” by Simon and Garfunkel.)

Or Listen To This One Song
If you want more concrete proof that a song will put you in a good mood, look no further than “Weightless” by Marconi Union. Neuroscientists at Mindlab International found that study participants who listened to this particular tune experienced a 65 percent decrease in overall anxiety and a 35 percent decrease in their usual physiological resting rates. *Plugs in earbuds*

Curse It Out
This is unexpected but awesome. A study by researchers at the UK’s Keele University School of Psychology found that people who curse freely have a higher pain tolerance and lower levels of perceived pain. So when you’re feeling particularly stressed or just bummed out, don’t hold it in. Drop a few f-bombs and be on your way.

Give Yourself A Hand Massage
Ideally, we’d flee to the nearest spa for some pampering whenever we felt a bad mood coming on. But if you have only a few minutes to snap out of it, this simple tutorial lets you feel instantly zen no matter where you are.

Window-shop Online
This is possibly our favorite way to perk up in three minutes flat. We go to Net-a-Porter’s “What’s New” section and scroll through pages and pages of swoon-worthy clothes, shoes and accessories without buying anything. Tip: If you click on individual pieces, it has videos of models in the clothes—just another layer of awesome.