
Your December 2019 Horoscopes

The year is coming to an end, but we’re bursting with all the lessons we’ve learned in 2019 thanks to the cosmos. With this summer’s major eclipses, Jupiter in Sagittarius being beyond extra and all those harsh aspects between Mars and Saturn, let’s congratulate ourselves for making it through. Though 2020 won’t be any easier, December is a bootcamp to train us for what’s to come.

Jupiter—planet of luck and ruler of Sagittarius—enters Capricorn on the 2nd, where he’ll remain through all of next year. This shift is a low-key buzzkill for Sagittarius season, so get ready for some heavy conversations over the punch and deviled eggs at this month’s festive parties. A moment of levity (and a good night to get down!) arrives on the 11th with the full moon in Gemini (also known as the Long Nights Moon).

Capricorn season begins on the 21st (happy birthday, li’l sea goats!), and there’s no chance for a chill holiday break because of a solar eclipse in Capricorn on Christmas. (Just after midnight on the 26th for the East Coast). Eclipses can rock our world, so to avoid being unprepared for what transpires, let’s work on identifying what needs to change as soon as possible

After all, hindsight is 20/20.

(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that will provide further insight.)

8 sagittarius

It’s still your semi-charmed season as the month begins, Sagittarius! But on the 2nd, Jupiter leaves your sign for Capricorn, putting the focus on your bank account. Celebrate in an economic way by setting up automatic deposits for a rainy-day fund. Schedule one for the 2nd, another for the 15th and yet another for the 27th. At the end of the month, you can keep it going or get yourself a gift.

The full moon in Gemini on the 11th is an opportunity for you to seal the deal. Going back and forth with a reserved client? Going on dates with someone holding their cards way too close to their chest? Let them know that you want them in your life...’til death do you part (or at least through cuffing season)!

Though you’re on top of that rainy-day fund, be sure to keep your spending to a minimum this holiday season. On the 25th, the solar eclipse in Capricorn has a harsh lesson for you about your values. You splurge on gifts for your siblings while your brothers give you...socks! Spend your cash where it’s appreciated.


Finally, it’s time for you to get yours! On the 2nd, lucky Jupiter glides into your sign for the first time since 2009, and it’s time for your glow up. Though Jupiter—and most of the world—prefers the never-ending party of Sagittarius, you know that real growth comes through boundaries. So get into planning mode and treat yourself. Schedule the most important self-care appointments for the 15th and 27th to get that extra shine.

On the 11th there is a full moon in Gemini, and for you, the focus is on a furry friend. Whether you finally cave to your kids’ pleas to adopt a puppy or an innocent trip to the local shelter results in your bringing home an elderly cat, get ready for a cute new responsibility.

Your season kicks off on the 21st (happy birthday, Capricorn!), but things get immediately serious with a solar eclipse in your sign on the 25th. You’re feeling extra comfortable in your skin these days, so it’s surprising when your old-fashioned aunt gets offended by your wardrobe or something you say over a holiday meal. Remember that you’re not the close-minded one. Keep growing.

10 aquarius

On the 2nd, Jupiter glides into Capricorn, and if you don’t have a meditation practice, it’s time to start one. All year you’ve been working on letting go of grudges and accepting what you can’t control, but have you been doing this in a healthy way? Scheduling daily sip-and-stares or weekly Instagram detoxes could make a huge impact. Block off both the 15th and 27th as days to check in on your progress.

On the 11th, there’s a full moon in Gemini and all you wanna do is have some fun… with your kids (or nieces, nephews or tots you babysit)! It might be a school night, but this isn’t called the Long Nights Moon for nothing! Get bundled up and head to a festive tree lighting or get cozy in your jammies for a holiday movie marathon. Let everyone stay up past their bedtime. You won’t regret it. 

Whatever comes to pass at the solar eclipse on the 25th is a major test of your patience and calm. Presents might miss their delivery date or an awkward guest may put a strain on your holiday. If things feel like a disaster, try to laugh the stress away. It’s not a reflection on you.

11 pisces

Jupiter enters Capricorn on the 2nd and kick-starts your participation in a community project. If you’ve been dying to organize neighborhood caroling or a coat drive, now’s the time. More involvement in the community––and let’s be real, more friends to Gchat!––improves your performance at work and helps you feel better day to day. Get out to an event on the 15th or 27th; something meaningful is in store.

If you’re super proud of your apartment’s feng shui––even with the corny holiday decorations––you have the chance to show off at the full moon in Gemini on the 11th. Full moons bring culminations, and for you this means finally pulling off a small gathering at your house! This full moon connects with hazy Neptune, so make sure you know who’s bringing the wine!

Though you’ve been such a trendsetter amongst new friends all month, at the solar eclipse on the 25th, you must let go of a dream that isn’t working or say au revoir to an old connection who doesn’t have your back. You can’t move toward the future with all that baggage from the past.

12 aries

On the 2nd, Jupiter dives into Capricorn, giving a huge boost to your career, public image or both. Your time in the spotlight has arrived. For the past year (or really the past decade), you’ve been putting tireless work into establishing yourself and you’re finally finding your groove. On the 15th (and again on the 27th), use your newfound power to launch a new initiative at the office. You look so good as the boss!

Your notifications are blowing up at the full moon in Gemini on the 11th. It seems like everyone wants to get in touch with you. Though, yes, this is an amazing day to catch up on email, use the intellectual energy coming your way to do some serious journaling too.

Though you’re hitting your stride at work, as Capricorn season arrives on the 21st, your responsibilities are really piling up, and your supervisor or a client might put it on you to “save the day” by finishing up a big project while everyone else is on break. The solar eclipse on the 25th offers a huge reminder about work/life balance. What have you given up to get ahead?

1 taurus

You are so focused on your future, and on the 2nd as Jupiter enters Capricorn, opportunities blossom. Your grad school acceptance letter arrives in your inbox! Your dream country house finally goes on the market! Or maybe just simply your achy bones relent and you can move easier through life. This is all great, but it happens so fast that you’ll have to skip some of this month’s revelry to get yourself in order. Both the 15th and the 27th are perfect days to plot your next steps.

On the 11th, the full moon in Gemini lights up your financial sector and you’re surprised by a surplus in cash (never not a good thing). Whether it’s a well-deserved holiday bonus or simply finding $20 in a pair of jeans while doing laundry, instead of splurging immediately, put the money away. In a few months, you’ll be thankful for the savings. 

On the 20th, Venus moves into Aquarius and you are feeling extra sappy about the holidays. Perahps a last-minute Secret Santa with your colleagues or neighbors might be in order? On the night of the 25th, a solar eclipse in Capricorn reminds you of everything you’re giving up pursuing your dreams. It’s OK to get a little nostalgic, but try not to wallow. Letting go means looking ahead.

2 gemini

The month begins with Jupiter making his grand entrance into Capricorn on the 2nd, opening up major opportunities for you to make investments. Which of your business ideas are built to last? Will opening a checking account with your fiancé fix your life or should you finally put what’s left of your bat mitzvah money into a high-interest savings account? On the 7th, when your ruling planet, Mercury, finally leaves his retrograde shadow, you may have an epiphany that turns your get-rich-quick scheme into a reality. Word to the wise: It won’t be as quick as you thought.

There’s a full moon in your sign on the 11th, so all eyes are on you. Treat yourself to a manicure, wear that sleek new outfit and, of course, be extra kind to your skin before heading to any hectic holiday gatherings.

Though most of this month is focused on building a nest egg for the future, the solar eclipse on the 25th is a moment to face an outstanding debt. You’re thrilled to receive a hefty check from Grandma, but it may have to go toward finally paying off a credit card bill or student loans. Facing your financial skeletons in the closet now allows you to be more generous—and more open—next year.

3 cancer

December begins on a high note as Jupiter glides into Capricorn on the 2nd. This is the planet of expansion’s first visit to your partnership house since January 2009! What relationships are ready to grow? On the 15th, you have a wonderful opportunity to test the waters of a new union, so invite that special someone on a date or to make that proposal. By the 27th, the two of you could be #relationshipgoals!

On the 11th, a full moon in Gemini urges you to take a day completely to yourself.

The moon is waning (losing light) in the second half of the month, encouraging you to have a more introspective period. Unplug and meditate so you can head to all the end-of-year gatherings refreshed.

Your focus on other people doubles down with Capricorn season on the 21st. And the solar eclipse on the 25th is a chance to end a relationship or business agreement that just isn’t working. You have so much love to give, and with new people entering your life, there’s no point in hanging on to something that’s sucking you dry.

4 leo

It’s time to get to work! The month starts with Jupiter—planet of growth—beginning his once-in-12-years visit to the part of your chart that represents the “things that must be done.” You might get overwhelmed with responsibilities—especially all those pesky holiday to-do’s—so get on top of your planning game early and buy all your holidays gifts ASAP.

The full moon in Gemini on the 11th is all about your friends. To avoid major FOMO, make sure you are out circulating this night (even if presents need to be wrapped!). You might make a connection that changes your life!

Venus enters your relationship sector on the 20th, making you feel extra cheesy about all of your favorite people. Don’t forget to snag a holiday gift for your BFF or your work wife! On the 25th, the solar eclipse in Capricorn serves as a cosmic audit for your health. Have you been obsessively oil pulling? Hitting the gym with regularity? How’s that working out for you? Commit even harder to the healthy habits with proven rewards.

5 virgo

On the 2nd, Jupiter enters Capricorn, and tons of invitations to social events, creative opportunities and even dates (!) start coming your way. Make that gingerbread house with your kids. Drop into that weekly trivia night at your favorite tapas bar. Go out with that handsome stranger. Whatever suits your fancy. Both the 15th and 27th are perfect times to initiate a new project or plan a romantic night out. The holidays can be stressful, and you are a planner, but please try to have fun.

On the 11th, the full moon in Gemini marks a major moment for your career. All of those late nights at the office are finally recognized and may even be matched with an end-of-year bonus. Be sure to invest the surplus in something that will last. (New everyday bag not excluded…)

Your goal-oriented heart swoons on the 21st as the sun enters Capricorn, your fellow practical earth sign. But don’t fall into the sea of spreadsheets too quickly: The solar eclipse on the 25th forces you to make a tough decision between work and play. Is it worth checking your email through Christmas if you miss your uncle’s bombastic rendition of “Frosty the Snowman”?  It’s OK to take a break.

6 libra

On the 2nd, Jupiter enters Capricorn and you finally get some positive news about your house. Whether you’ve been breaking up with your roommates or sinking way too much money into a home renovation, the problem gets resolved. This will be a slow and steady improvement, but the choices you make now are built to last. By the 27th, you are (literally) living in a whole new reality.

On the 11th, the full moon in Gemini illuminates your foreign travel sector. Where do you want to go? Get the tickets for next year’s vacation today and request the time off from work the moment you book––even if the getaway isn’t until December 2020––to avoid any future headaches.

On the 20th, Venus enters Aquarius, opening up a particularly romantic and creative month for you. Bring a cute date to your office holiday party to celebrate. If you’re visiting your parents for the holidays, the solar eclipse on the 25th heats up an argument or unearths a family secret. You tend to avoid conflict, but let it blow up if it needs to. Resolution comes faster when everyone’s cards are on the table.

7 scorpio

Mars spends the entire month in your sign, giving you two superpowers in these rough cosmic waters: self-assuredness and boundless energy. This only happens once every two years, so don’t take it for granted. With Jupiter’s entrance into Capricorn on the 2nd, you may be bombarded with communications from your sister about holiday plans. Remember to advocate for your needs, even if she’s taking charge. Suggestions of alternative plans go over especially well on the 15th and 27th.

If you’ve been waiting on approval for a loan, good news arrives on the 11th with the full moon in Gemini! Get all your documents ready to go in advance, because with spacey Neptune involved in this lunation, the details may be muddy.

As I mentioned above, you may want to shake up your plans this holiday season. What used to make sense, no longer works. Your faves are not who they were in 2017, and the solar eclipse on the 25th has you in your feelings about that. Skipping the party at your distant cousin’s house to start a new tradition with friends does your heart good. Those who matter the most will understand your needs.

Jaime Wright is an astrologer based in New York. You can follow her on Instagram , @jaimeallycewright, or subscribe to her newsletter. 

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  • Astrologer and writer of PureWow's weekly and monthly horoscopes
  • Consulting astrologer based in Brooklyn
  • Host of the "Good Fortunes" podcast