Five hundred grand can get you a lot of stuff (like 100 Chanel bags or 3,000 Beyoncé concert tickets or 15 million pieces of gum). It can also get you some amazing real estate all over the country, from a tiny studio in a cool city to a giant mansion in the countryside to, um, a lighthouse.
Here's What $500,000 Will Buy You in All 50 States (and D.C.)
Real estate dreams do come true
Alabama (7 Br, 8 Ba)
In-ground pool? Check. Six acres of land? Check. Yep, we think we’re gonna like it here.
Alaska (3 Br, 3 Ba)
We’ve heard of mountain views—but glacier views? We’re cold just thinking about it. Better go sit in the hot tub.
Arizona (3 Br, 3 Ba)
Welp, you don’t have to worry about playing your music too loud when you live in the middle of a national forest.
Arkansas (3 Br, 4 Ba)
Hmm, we have a strange urge to grow our hair realllly long.
California (0 Br, 1 Ba)
San Francisco is pricey (you’ll only get a postage stamp of a studio). But when it’s this cute, who cares?

Colorado (3 Br, 3 Ba)
Let’s just hibernate in this Bayfield cabin for the rest of the winter.
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Connecticut (3 Br, 2 Ba)
This cute little 1926 gem had us at “white picket fence.”
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Delaware (4 Br, 3 Ba)
Bayfront property in Rehoboth? Dream summer home.
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Florida (4 Br, 4 Ba)
This backyard of this house near Palm Beach is begging for a pool party.

Georgia (4 Br, 2.5 Ba)
Now that’s an eat-in kitchen.
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Hawaii (3 Br, 2 Ba)
OK, it’s a condo. But if you lived here, your life would be one long resort vacation.
Idaho (5 Br, 3 Ba)
If we buy this home in the Boise foothills, can we keep the furniture?

Illinois (3 Br, 2 Ba)
Oooh, a modern pad in the center of Chicago. Sign us up.
See the listing
Indiana (5 Br, 3 Ba)
Twenty acres of farmland? Time to buy some horses, stat.

Iowa (3 Br, 2 Ba)
This gorgeous cabin in Perry comes with a stocked fishing pond. Bass for dinner?
Kansas (5 Br, 5 Ba)
We’ve always wanted a bedroom with a fireplace.
Kentucky (4 Br, 3 Ba)
This Craftsman home in Bowling Green is next to a golf course, so watch for flying balls when you go get the mail.
Louisiana (5 Br, 4 Ba)
Sure, it’s hot in Covington, but look where you get to cool off.
Maine (4 Br, 2.5 Ba)
Um, you can see across the ocean into Canada. We’ll leave it at that.

Maryland (5 Br, 3 Ba)
Just think of the epic barbecues.
Massachusetts (3 Br, 2 Ba)
Stow gets its fair share of snow, but this saltbox colonial has a hot tub on the deck.
Michigan (4 Br, 4 Ba)
Actually, we think we’d rather spend all winter staring out this window.
Minnesota (3 Br, 3 Ba)
Psst, this chalet-style house in Excelsior has a wet bar.
Mississippi (5 Br, 4 Ba)
Welcome to our new happy place: a tree swing in Olive Branch.

Missouri (5 Br, 4 Ba)
A picturesque Victorian on ten acres…this is what real-estate dreams are made of.

Montana (2 Br, 3 Ba)
Oooh, granite and stainless-steel countertops? Don’t mind if we do.

Nebraska (2 Br, 3 Ba)
If you’re worried about the cost, you can always rent out the yard of this Omaha villa for weddings.

Nevada (4 Br, 3 Ba)
When you get tired of casino hopping, you can hop into the pool at your Vegas oasis.

New Hampshire (5 Br, 4.5 Ba)
Move to Belmont and never pay for electricity again.

New Jersey (3 Br, 3 Ba)
This cute little cottage in Maplewood is only half an hour from New York City.

New Mexico (3 Br, 3 Ba)
We wouldn’t mind waking up to this view one bit.
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New York (0 Br, 1 Ba)
OK, if you go outside the city you’re likely to find something much bigger, but in Manhattan you’d be lucky to nab this Midtown studio apartment.

North Carolina (4 Br, 4 Ba)
Meanwhile, in Durham…
North Dakota (5 Br, 5 Ba)
So. Much. Counter. Space.

Ohio (4 Br, 3 Ba)
The number one reason to move to New Albany? This adorable backyard.

Oklahoma (5 Br, 4 Ba)
We’ll just live in this walk-in closet. We don’t even care about the rest of the house.

Oregon (4 Br, 3 Ba)
This Ashland home has serious curb appeal. (And a great red door.)

Pennsylvania (7 Br, 1.5 Ba)
Ohhh, NBD, this 1798 house is on the National Register of Historic Places. And the Battle of Germantown was fought on its land during the Revolutionary War.
See the listing

Rhode Island (9 Br, 4 Ba)
Have a family of 15? Welp, just move into this historic Portsmouth home that has a separate three-bedroom cottage.

South Carolina (3 Br, 4 Ba)
Coziest place ever to watch Netflix.

South Dakota (3 Br, 3 Ba)
If you realllly don’t like having neighbors, this home in Keystone is surrounded by thousands of acres preserved by the National Forest Service. (Although, uh, it kinda looks haunted.)

Tennessee (5 Br, 3 Ba)
This stately ’30s home in Chattanooga has been completely renovated inside, so you get the best of both worlds.

Texas (4 Br, 3 Ba)
Wood floors? Granite countertops? A hot tub and pool in the backyard? Sold.

Utah (6 Br, 5 Ba)
Oh, wait. Did we say we’re moving to Texas? We meant Saint George, Utah.

Vermont (4 Br, 3 Ba)
Don’t think of the shoveling. Think of all the pancakes with maple syrup you’ll eat.

Virginia (4 Br, 1 Ba)
If you’ve ever wanted to be a lighthouse keeper, you’re in luck. Yep, this honest-to-goodness lighthouse has four bedrooms inside.
See the listing

Washington (2 Br, 2 Ba)
You’ll never need to buy a bouquet again. Just pick wildflowers on your 97(!) acres of land.

Washington, D.c. (2 Br, 1 Ba)
It’s not the White House, but a modern condo in the center of D.C. will do just fine.
See the listing

West Virginia (3 Br, 3.5 Ba)
Nope, this isn’t a spa. This could be your new bathroom.

Wisconsin (3 Br, 2 Ba)
Whoa. Now that’s a tree house.

Wyoming (4 Br, 3 Ba)
The perfect place to gaze at the mountains and dream about where to buy your next house.