- Aesthetic: 20/20
- Comfort: 18/20
- Value: 18/20
- Quality: 17/20
- Shipping and Returns: 20/20
TOTAL: 93/100
True confession: The pandemic isolation ruined me for sitting upright. In the days of WFH, I developed the habit of laying down while working, tap-tap-tapping on my laptop from the couch, breakfast nook or yes okay I admit it, in bed under the warmest blankets. The resulting loss of most of my core muscles and personal ambition has been pretty fast, considering, so I made a vow to sit upright on the regular. But my too-deep couch isn’t supportive, and the dining room chairs feel punitive—what to do? I decided to pivot to an attractive, supportive and comfortable occasional chair and Voila, introduced into my home the Article Archie Bouclé chair ($599).